Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Wednesday, Feb 28th

Hard to believe February is gone, well the weather at least is showing signs of warming although we have been getting another winter storm here.  They have been getting lots of snow in the high country around Flagstaff, Showlow, etal.  It rained quite a bit last night, in fact I went outside to see what the racket was and it was just rain pounding on the carport.  When it rains here, it is usually has a hard rain time in it much like our thunderstorms at home.
  The day started fine for me, but Marg now has the cold that is going around and she seems to be suffering greatly with it.  It's a nasty cold and it's almost like she is run down with it.  The Gamblin' Gals went today, but she begged off and stayed back to see if she could shake it.
  It was golf day for the park and Gerry C is back now and came out to go.  They had a good turnout in spite of the cool damp weather.  It must have rain a lot at the golf course as they had standing water in places and the fairways were very wet.  We were in the 4th group out and the pace of play was very good today.  My game went pretty well, I only mishit 2 tee shots, the rest were very good, but I did have to get the old ball retriever out today, never a good thing.  It was funny I had left some of my preferred stuff, like the putter in my other bag, but the old putter worked very well.  The score ended up being about what is good for me and the guys were good fellows to play with.
  When I got back it was just about lunch, so I made a sandwich and Marg napped on and off.  I went out to look at the screen door for Gary and it was a bit of a mess.  The wheels were worn out and it was wedged in the frame so it would not slide at all and was stuck half open.  It was the result of tinkering, so I managed to get it unstuck and out of the track.  That was all I could do as it needs new wheels on the bottom.  I would probably replace them if it was mine, but these are a bit different, so I think the unit owner is going to have to get that done at the hardware store and then I will put it back in the frame.  There has been quite a bit of tinkering in a crude fashion that has caused other problems, so he needs to be left to deal with the repair of it.
  After that I went to play pool in the last half of the afternoon.  I was lucky as one of the fellows I like to play and I played one on one for an hour or so and we had lots of laughs.  This left the house quiet and Marg got some rest.
  It was hamburger night, so I went out and picked up two cheeseburgers To-Go and Marg put some frozen fries in the oven.  When I went to pick up the burgers, it took a long time with so many people asking how Marg is doing and make sure I wished her well.  The burgers were our supper and they were good.  Finished it off with a piece of that chocolate cake she made for when her cousins were here.  It was so good, they should come more often.
  A package arrived today from  I am pretty sure our charming daughter, Charlene, had something to do with it.  Why do I think that?  Well the other day I got a message from her to the effect that a package was coming and she didn't want to hear any protests about it or get scolded about doing it and that she is an adult, almost 50 years old now.  Pretty funny.  I must remember to give her a lecture about it when I open it.  LOL
  After supper it was poker night for me, shower for Marg.  I had lots of fun, her not so much, but she said she felt better with the shower.  I about broke even and again we had lots of laughs tonight. 

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Tuesday, Feb 27th

Wow almost done with February.  It was a nice day, although windy as a storm front was moving in.  The weather forecast was for rain in the afternoon, but it held off until evening.  We did some cleaning in the morning and then it being National pancake day  a late breakfast of pancakes.  It was the first time in a while that I used a frying pan and for pancakes but I managed without burning any.
  Marg's cousins [from Edmonton] who she had not seen for about 15 years showed up just after 1:00 and called saying they were close but wanted final instructions.  I kind of chuckled when Billy called as they were only about 5 blocks away, so it didn't take much coaching.  Billy has a place in Goodyear, so a good hours drive from here.  They wanted to get together last summer, but their route to Alaska changed and they never went through GP.  His older brother Joe was down for a couple of weeks, but had been waiting to get over a cold, but leaving tomorrow so it was their last opportunity.  Apparently their wives had stayed back to do some packing.  It was a nice visit with them reminiscing and then going over the Samoridny family history.  We shared what little we had and they had some information that was new to us they shared.  They ended up staying the better part of 3 hours, so a nice visit.  Marg had made a nice chocolate cake and iced it with ganache that we had with coffee, very nice.
  As we had skipped lunch, it wasn't long after they departed that we started on supper preparation.  In the process we had a box of pasta that was too much for one meal, but not enough for two, so we cooked it anyway with shrimp in a stir fry.  Seeing how much we had Marg went over to ask Janice if she would like a plate.  When she came over to get the plate, she ended up staying with us to eat dinner.  Living alone especially with her medical situation a number of ladies here are doing things to help her.  She had enough left over to take it for her lunch tomorrow and Marg sent her home with a piece of the cake.
  After supper we went to the hall for bingo.  Marg had the lucky cards tonight and managed to get one win and a good number of almost wins.
  Yesterday I mentioned picking up a job, actually I think I picked up two.  Marg is on the organizing committee for the spring tea, I thought it was tee and now I am helping.  I think it's making hot water and passing out trays of finger food.  Anyway I got another job today as Gary stopped to ask me if I would look at a screen door for an older guy in the park as he is too busy.  I probably wouldn't have for the guy, except it's hard to refuse Gary.  The only question I had was how in the heck did Gary know I had fixed a few of these for other folks?

Monday, 26 February 2018

Monday, Feb 26th

As predicted, it warmed up quite a bit today and got very pleasant out, a nice change from the past week or two.
  We pretty much stayed in today and did housework.  Although this place is not that large, it needs to be gone over because of the dust down here.  Marg usually looks after this, but today I gave a bit of a hand as some of the tasks are more difficult for her when her hip is bothering her.  That usually means operating the vacuum which doesn't take long here and today was no exception.  Then I took on the chore of washing the bathroom floor.  The worst part of that is moving everything and Marg looked after that.  It is a small room, so apparently it works best with a rag and pail of sudsy water.  This was new to me, but it went quickly and was relatively painless.  I'm not sure if this is a new duty or if I am filling in for an invalid and really not sure if I should ask.  After I finished Marg went at the rest of the unit with a swifter type mop and did the floors.  Apparently they were definitely in need of it as it took a couple of pads to complete the job.  Well that was exciting.  We are having company tomorrow.  Sheesh we have company every day, but these must be getting special attention.
  While she was swabbing the decks I went out to visit Wink and give him back his jar of screws.  He was busy, so I thanked him and chatted a bit.  Just as I was leaving I handed him an envelope with a thank you card.  He said there better not be any money in there, you had better stand here while I open it.  Well, I took off and said I have to be somewhere as I left.  Imagine him thinking there was money in it, that was pretty presumptuous.  I just had to get away because the amount was small, Marg had put in the note that he should take his wife out to lunch.  LOL.  On the way back I got stopped to chat and ended up with a job, they want me to help with the joke telling during the interludes between races to help fill the time.
  Home for lunch and then I went out to play pool with the guys.  It was a smaller group today, so I played one on one with one of the better players.  I did get 2 wins, but that was partly luck the rest of the games he won fairly handily.  When I play him I generally try to leave him tough, but that only works part of the time.
  Marg came in to the pool room to call me out as it was pizza time.  One of the people in the park had been through a time with cancer and came through it pretty well and wanted to celebrate by treating the people in the park to a pizza party.  Her parents are also in the park and helped her set it up.  She is challenged, but functions pretty independently and everyone kind of looks out for her.  In fact earlier she had come to ask me to post it on the FB page.  It was well attended in spite of being at 2:00, so just after lunch.  There was lots of variety and everyone got 2 slices plus 2 bread sticks.  I guess they had 3 dozens pizzas.
  After I went back to play pool with 2 other guys.  They are both quite good, but we usually have good games and quite a few laughs.  I won a few games, but lost one that they had a lot more fun with than me.  I was on a big come-back to victory making 5 balls in a row and then the 8 ball, except I scratched the cue ball on the shot.  It sure put a smile on their faces.
  On my way back to our place I found Marg at happy half way down our road, so stopped in.  It was nice to discover that she had a beer in a cozzie to keep it cool sitting in the cart waiting for me to show up.  We exchanged a bit of gossip and lots of it was  negative stuff, so I said we have some happy news to share and commenced telling them about Katie getting an offer from Nottingham U.  I must have got a bit carried away as I got the look to wrap it up.  Let them eat their hearts out.
  That was about it for today, oh yeh, I took a couple of photo's of my project on the carport the first form the front, the second from behind the place.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Sunday, Feb 25th

A nicer day in the Valley.  We started our day with a nice bowl of oatmeal and then went out to take in the day.
  We started out going to a garage sale that Marg found on line and thought looked to have interesting stuff, rather than the usual junk.  She entered the address in our GPS and we had no problem finding the place, but there was no sale.  We re-entered the address and it took us away from that location and to the one where the sale was.  Not sure what happened other than we saw some new places.  LOL. The sale had some unique stuff, like a huge African carving that looked like a warriors mask.  Well this may surprise some of you, but we didn't have one of those and still don't.  She did find a coffee carafe that was brand new that she bought.  I couldn't find one thing of interest, just the usual collection of junk, but in a nice neighbourhood.
  From there we went to the Mesa Marketplace where I took in the books I have read and could have walked away with a cool $5.  Alas such was not the case and I ended up adding another $5 to it for the books I picked up.  This time it was Marg who had no luck.  She never even went in the book stall, that's why.  She did look at some other stuff, in spite of all the booths with good junk.
  From there we went to another Ross's store.  That was the one that had the dress she liked the other day.  Sadly they did not have what she was looking for, but she did find a dress that she could accept, so bought it.  Before you get to jubilant, I have to warn you that this is the official back-up dress and the search for the garment of choice will continue.
  It appears that was sufficient retail therapy, so we went out to lunch. We were in the midst of some very nice restaurants, but we left there in search of the holy grail.  Well we tried the Village Inn on Power, but the line up was too lone, so went across the road.  It was a place we had never been to and as it had lots of people eating in it, thought hmmm, a new find. They had a buffet, but we ordered from the menu.  Marg had a taco salad that turned out to be not so hot.  I had a scramble that was good, but about 4 times what I could eat.  The waitress with the nice full mustache was very nice and accommodating, she kept our coffee cups full.  According to Marg I don't believe we plan on returning to the JB something or rather.
   When we got back home, I tackled the rest of the breezeway siding.  It required a bit of creativity but is done.  Marg was happy with the outcome, so good enough. I should have taken a picture, but it's too dark now.  Maybe tomorrow.
  After supper we went to ice cream social  We sat with some different people again this week.  It is kind of becoming our normal practice now.  One of the ladies came to say they missed me at the church service this morning and that is two weeks now.  I made my cold excuse which got me out of it, she even said she put in a good word for me, so I think I'm OK.
  Oh yes, we got some good news today, Katie was given an offer from Nottingham university in the Veterinary medicine program, a very happy day.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Saturday, Feb 24th.

We used the vaporizer all night last night and both of us woke up with our sinus & lungs just a bit clearer.  The only negative was we had water running down just about all the windows in the trailer.  Went through just about a roll of paper towel drying them on the inside.  A combination of a very cool night and single pane windows.  Well the new vaporizer sure works well.
  It being Saturday there is a big breakfast in the hall, but I preferred oatmeal and that was breakfast this morning.  With these cool mornings, the old spurtle is getting a real workout this February.
  Marg went out for a little retail therapy.  She is actually looking for a dress for a special wedding we plan on attending this summer.  She found one she thought was perfect, but the size she wanted was not available at that store.  Ross's have others in the area, so I suspect that will be the next step.  The only things she got were a table cloth and a house warming gift for a friend.
  I worked on getting a couple of posts on the tenants association FB page for events next week.  It is not a big deal except I have to scan the notice because it is so small, then crop it so it is useful and that takes a bit of time.  The new printer is much better for scanning than my old ones.  My plan is to get rid of both of them when I get home and just use this one,
  Marg came home for lunch and then after lunch I worked on the panels for the side of the carport.  I had to modify them so that I didn't create a wall in front of the neighbours bedroom window.  Well I thought I did, but as it turns out he didn't care either way.  I was feeling a little self-conscious working outside their bedroom window, but it's done.  Now all I have left is the end piece.  Wink had given me a bunch of screws to use on the aluminum panels and frame and they are amazing, no need to pre-drill.  I ran in to a problem and we went to the store that sells this stuff, but they never had the part I was looking for, so I will just have to work around it.  To cut this stuff I just put a plywood blade in the skill saw backwards and it seems to be doing the trick.
  It was getting late in the afternoon, so time to pack up the tools and get ready to go out.  We went to the Chili Cook-off in the park.  This is the second year doing this and they had 9 entries in the competition.  They charge everyone $2 to attend and that gives each person a sample from each entrant.  The idea is to taste them all and rate one as the fan favourite.  There is a panel of 5 judges, three from the event sponsor and they pick the best: 1, 2 & 3.  After everyone has the samples evaluated and entered their ballot, they are welcome to go fill a bowl with their favourite.  A lot of the people had enough with samples, but most went to get a bowl, there was a lot of chili.  There was a wide variety in the 9 entries, something for everyone:  a vegan version, an entry using venison, one using chicken, but most using pork or beef.  There were a couple of mild, most spicy and 3 that were very spicy.  Marg had 3 samples she could not finish as they were too hot, me it was 2  So here we sit waiting to see if there is an after-burn on what we ate.  It was well attended and a fun event.  The chicken one was good, but it was one that neither of us could finish, it was cooked by a guy from New Mexico.  A bit of a surprise, the venison one was judged to be the best.  Now where are those antacid tablets?

Friday, 23 February 2018

Friday, Feb 23rd

We were off to an earlier start than usual today.  Kind of tired of sitting around the house, so when Marg needed a few groceries I tagged along.  We went to the large Walmart on Signal Butte as it has better selection than the one in AJ.  When we pulled into the parking lot I spied a guy backing out of one that was very close to the store, so I started down the row.  Just as I got in the row a lady started backing out another stall and backed into him.  Well decision time, no use waiting for them to sort it out, so I backed out and went to another row.  Should I have remained as a witness, no use.  The insurance companies rule these things in parking lots as 50/50, sort of blameless.  As luck would have it I got just as good spot two rows down.
  I wanted to get a vaporizer and a card to add minutes & days to my phone.  As it turns out Marg wanted some things in the pharmacy area anyway.  Picked up the groceries and made it out of the store and didn't notice the bumper twins, so they must have moved on.
  Got back to the park and was stopped about half way up the lane to our place by several people who wanted to update us.  It was mainly relating to the block party today on our street.  With the weather they moved it indoors at the hall and wanted me to put it on FB,  but there was lots of other park gossip we got updates on, all the while sitting in the road way.  Sometimes it's hard to make progress in the park, but Marg finally said we had stuff that needed refrigeration, so we were able to get going.
  It was about lunch when we got back and after we got sorted out I started the vaporizer and laid down with it to see if it would loosen my chest. 
  Marg went down to get the mail and on the way back noticed the little boy across the way was looking kind of bored.  He is staying with his grandparents alone as his cousin Olivia went home earlier.  It was a cool windy day and not a lot to do so she asked Jenn if Mason would like a ride on the cart.  She told him Marg is offering you a ride, well he was on the cart before she finished speaking.  Then Marg said, NO, you are taking him.  Well she had never driven a cart, but said well she had driven lots of stuff, anyway they went for a long ride and came and visited a bit  Then a bit later when she had to go to the Laundromat to get her clothes, their truck was still gone so Marg said well take the cart and again Mason was on it before the words were spoken.  Tammy and her son Sammy stopped by to visit with Marg and they were really happy with her shopping recommendation.  She had told them about a Dillon last call store they went to.  As it turns out they spent a small fortune there because the deals are so good.  They even had to buy a suitcase so they could take it all home with them.  Then Marg went down to the hall where she helped a group get the place set up for the pot luck.
  By then it was time to get our contribution to the pot luck/block party.  Marg fried up the chicken and teriyaki sauce then put it in the slow cooker.  We had seats saved with friends, so even though we were a bit late it was no problem.  There was lots of good food today and the desert table was amazing.  That is not always the case at pot luck dinners, making this one of the best we have had in the park.  Marg was fretting about the Teriyaki chicken, but there was nothing to worry about, it was one of the most popular dishes and went quickly.  Didn't really need the slow cooker plugged in it went so fast once the line started.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Thursday, Feb 22nd

You would think us northerners would handle the weather here with more aplomb, but the truth of the matter is we came to miss out on winter and for the sun.  Tomorrow is forecast to be the coolest day and then there is hope in sight with a bit of a warming trend by the weekend.
  We started the day off with a bowl of oatmeal.  Must be my heritage, but I really enjoy it at breakfast.  Marg also enjoys it, I would like to think that it is because this is one of the few things that I make, but she used to eat quite a bit of it as a youth.  I started out the day with no plans and by noon I was pretty much half-way done.  That is an old line of dad's from his retirement years.
  Marg did laundry this morning and into the afternoon.  Our neighbour has a clothes line that she told Marg to use, so she did sheets this morning. The washing machine we have can't handle large loads, but Marg has it pretty much figured out and can do anything in it.  One of the most common problems with the machine we have is detergent with too much suds action, it plugs things up.  As a result she has changed to an HE low suds detergent and it works extremely well.
  I went out for a bit to put away the gas fire pit and propane tank.  Then I decided to have a look at the screen around the breezeway.  I put up the brackets and cross pieces to hold the paneling and it went well, intending to put up the panels as well.  Between my cold and the chilly wind I decided that was not a good idea.  I am starting to feel better and all I have left is a nasty cough, so don't want to start all over again.  As a result I went back to my original plan for today - no plans.  I did manage to have a couple of short naps, usually ending with each visitor.  There is a pattern here.
  Marg went out with the cart for mail and to take both the recycling and garbage to the dumpster bins.  Then returned to steam the laundry. 
  During the day we had about 4 or 5 visits with people coming by to check on us.  I guess they are starting to notice we are not out and about as much as normal.  One came to tell us he was feeling unwell from the cocktails last night and his wife not much better.  Another to tell us happy was a their place, but that was not in the plan for us.
  That was about it for today, wish I had something more exciting to report, but some days are like this.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Wednesday, Feb 21st

No sense commenting on the weather, it is pretty much the same old story again today.
  We had oatmeal this morning.  I have a spurtle here; as well as at home, so in a fine tradition of porridge making ancestors I made us a pot.  It turned out to be a good way to start the day.
  Shortly after Marg was waiting for the gals to pick her up as they were going for a little retail therapy at 10.  At the appointed hour she got a call that there was a meeting of the entertainment committee this morning so she went down to the hall to discuss the many and varied ways to amuse the tenants here in Carefree Manor.  I never saw her again, so with 3 of them in the meeting, it appears they left for shopping right after the business was concluded. 
  Normally this is a busy day for me, but I cancelled on the golf this morning.  I heard later in the day that was a good decision as it was very chilly at the course.  I went out to get  lottery tickets for the Powerball and Mega Millions draws this week.  The jackpots are small, only a couple hundred million, so that might improve my odds.  Well could happen.  Then I went for water at the dispenser right by the convenience store and picked up a bag of ice as well.  Marg had said she was going to ask them back, so as it was at the same machine as the water, I got a bag.
  I returned home and basically did very little all day after lunch.  Yes, it was me making the sandwich and washing up again.  I had a bit of a nap an looked out he patio door to see a lady from the park standing there.  She is a fellow Albertan and wanted to find out how our family are doing having met Daniel & Vanessa.  She is originally from England so inquired after Lyzi as well.  Nice of her to remember.  She is pretty chatty and left after about an hour.  Then I drifted off again and looked up to see another lady from the park at the door.  She and her parents are in the park.  She lives independently but is mentally challenged, so needs support, so everyone in the park keeps an eye out for her. She is quite self sufficient and wanted to fine out if we were going to her mother's pizza party and if I could put it on the FB site.  It was her dad's birthday I put on last week and she wanted to see the post.  She was mixed up on the years, he was a year younger than I noted, but at this age, no biggie.  She stayed for a long half hour as she forms her ideas slowly.  Then is was back to my nap.
  Next time I looked up there was a woman in the trailer, well it was Marg, she had returned with a couple of bags, so some success today.  Apparently they went to a mall that was new to her, an older mall but with good stores, I guess.  There were 4 of them and I guess they also had lunch someplace around there.  She informed me that the other 3 and their spouses were coming over for margaritas.  Well 2 of the guys have been hankering for a drink of scotch.  Well they each have a bottle, one is trying to learn to like it, the other likes it just fine.  The guy learning was looking to try some other types to see what he enjoyed.  We had a 12 yr. Macallan, a nice bottle from Tullibardine and a Glenfiddich.  Then we had a nice Irish Whisky and that turned out to be the one they liked best.  Oh, yes the women you might ask, well Marg had the blender out with the bag of previously mentioned ice and the ladies had mango margaritas.  She also had a plate of meat, cheese & crackers out for a snack.  It was chilly in the breezeway, so the propane fire pit came in very handy today.
  By then it was supper and a bit late for supper, so even though we had steak out to bbq, Marg made a pot of spaghetti and we called it a day.  By 6 o'clock it is pitch black out here and I don't have a light out back on the patio where we have the bbq, so that was the best option

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Tuesday, Feb 20th

Another chilly day, I think either last night of tonight is the coldest of the week, 38 tonight, so that is about 3C.  The east is enjoying mild weather while out west here we are not so fortunate.  That is from a snowbird perspective, the locals while handling the cold very poorly, are pleased to see snow in the higher elevations that will become water for the valley.  With the long drought here and snow levels below average, this is providing some much needed moisture.  Such is life in the desert.
  Still fighting the head cold, so went to CVS pharmacy this morning and spoke with the pharmacist.  She suggested a Sudafed product that is behind the counter and Tylenol.  So that is what I got, well after a pretty thorough question and identification process.  They even electronically scanned my drivers license.  It was not expensive and I am getting quite a bit of relief with the sinuses and headaches, so am starting to think I may live through this.  I reminded Marg of the study where they equated a Man Cold to child labour in women saying they were about equal.  She is still not a believer, but at least I have planted the seed.
  I pretty much sat around the house today as I didn't want to get chilled.  Well that was the plan.  Just after I got home, Sheldon came over to say his wife was on the phone with their service provider and asked if I would sit in on the phone call.  I thought well if they want this cold OK.  I didn't sit in, I was on the phone.  It seems she had erased a bunch of stuff, like her pathway to Google & all her friends on Facebook and was having difficulty following along with the help desk person.  We managed to get her connected again and I showed her the Icon that gives her the Google home page.  Then I showed her how to go about finding her former friends and then inviting them again.  Time will tell how that goes.
  Marg did a couple of loads of laundry.  It was a bit cool in the breezeway, but out back on the patio it was in the sun and actually quite pleasant.  There was a bit of a breeze and that helps with the laundry drying unless it blows it over.  That usually doesn't happen, but today a few things had to be re-washed.  I tried to convince Marg to dry at the Laundromat, but that didn't happen.  Not certain what all happened today as I may have fallen asleep in my recliner and not really certain how long that lasted. Although I know a few guys that do this after lunch on a regular basis, this is very unusual for me.  I did cancel golf for tomorrow, I don't think it will be warm enough first thing for me to go out with the group.
   Shortly after we had a nice facetime with Charlene & Phil.  Lots of excitement in their lives right now with Lyzi's wedding in August and Katie going through university interviews & still very involved with young farmers.  We got an update on Sophie & Benji, who both are very advanced for their ages.
  Supper and then off to bingo where it was the first night with the new bingo machine.  It went pretty well, new things often times have bumps, but they weren't too bad tonight. We never won; it was that old close, but no cigar again tonight.  But we were very close.  Oh yeah, Marg found out tonight that her agreeing to help the Entertainment Committee meant she was a candidate and she was voted on the committee.  Good for her, I think.  LOL

Monday, 19 February 2018

Monday, Feb 19th

As I have been saying for the last couple of days the weather turned cooler and will stay that way all week.  Hey this is not the Arizona we signed up for.
  Marg went with Cindy to the Fort today.  The Gamblin' Gals were down to just the two of them. I think that must be a first, I guess everyone else had commitments.  It was the old we came close kind of day, that seems to be Marg's story this year.  It has been uncanny how many times she has been one number away with her winning number on the monitor waiting to be called next when some yahoo yells bingo.  I am sure it is exciting, but it's not as good as winning.
  The morning was windy and cool, so I did some work on the computer.  I had an email from the condo board at home saying they are developing a code of conduct for board members.  It was pretty good, but was kind of boilerplate text for dealing with problem boards.  We are a small condo and don't really have those issues, but we are getting 2 new members this year, so it is prevention.  I sent the other board members a reply with about 4 or 5 issues we may want to take a closer look at.  They seem on side with changes on all but one or two of my suggestions.  Then I got a notice on the Block Party that I scanned and posted on the tenants assoc. FB page here.  After that I made a bingo sign using the park logo for the new machine here that I took to the park manager.  He was happy to have the park logo digitized and just wanted a larger font, so we made that change and re-printed it.  Then I copied the two files on his computer in case he has any future need for them.
  After that I came home for lunch.  Yes you guessed it right, no one here to make it so I got out the frying pan and warmed up the corned beef & cabbage from yesterday.  Yes another astounding move, I have leftovers, but after all that is one of my favourite dishes.  Then another problem, the sink was full of dirty dishes, I sure miss Marg on their day at the Fort.  No I didn't leave them, I washed & dried the, wiped down the stove, put everything away.  Whew.
  I went to play some pool in the afternoon, well what there was left of it.  Anyway there was only one table with 3 players and it is the one where the competition is very tough.  I played reasonably well especially in the first game, that we won.  I think I only played about 4 games, then they all left.
  After I stopped at Wink & Mayva's to talk about some panels in his shed.  He is getting rid of the shed and emptying out the contents.  He & Rich had two buildings, the other their shop they used to rebuild golf carts and sell them.  The panels are the same as the ones on the open side of our carport.  Marg has been after me to close off the rear part by the Az room to stop the winds from blowing through there.  I ended up taking it all plus a spare tire for the cart, but when I went to pay him I had the age old problem - he wouldn't accept payment.
  About that time Marg was due back so I went to the front gate to pick her up.  It was supper in tonight.  It sprinkled a bit off and on today, but it could have been the wind blowing from some lake miles away as hard as it blew.  I am still fighting the head cold, arghhh!

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Sunday, Feb 18th

A nice day in the valley, even if it started of a bit on the cool side as it warmed up to be very pleasant.
  I missed the morning church service, staying in this morning until it warmed up.  I have had a bit of head or sinus congestion and it had me feeling out of sorts.  Just in case I had something that I didn't want to pass on to others in the park, I thought it better to pass today.  We both had some nice raisin bread toast, always a bit of a treat in the morning.
  I messed around with the bingo message and ended up printing in about 3 or 4 different sizes. Then I taped it to a golf ball and that seems to be doing the trick.  It was the smallest size of print that I produced that finally worked.  It was a combination of the camera being very close to the ball position and the degree of magnification used to get a large picture that caused me to be challenged with it. They had a trial run with the machine this morning, so about 8 of us went and played on a single strip of 3 cards while the two callers went through various games and scenarios.  One they had not thought about was the possibility of an erroneous bingo call, so I dabbed one and called it.  It kind of threw them for a minute and then the caller said I don't think that is a good bingo.  To which I replied, well no it isn't but I thought you should see what that looks like in a trial.  When they had a break to figure out some stuff someone said is it ice cream break [that is what intermission always is].  Christine gave us each one for helping out, then when all was complete, we got a complimentary  card on the early bird game for helping out. 
  After that we went home for lunch, but on the way got waylaid.  Kenny & Doris had been to a good yard sale yesterday so we had to go back to check it out.  Well they were not operating it today, but we did happen on a guy who buys storage lockers and sells the contents.  Interesting guy, lots of junk though.  Then we went for a bit of a drive down to the Queen Creek area and got a bit of a tour of some newly developing areas out south of here.
  When we got back it was just about happy hour, but we had missed lunch, so passed on happy.  We figured we'd better have an early supper.  I was in luck again, there was left over corned beef and sauerkraut, so Marg fried up some cabbage & hash browns with it and another of my favourite meals.  Then there was a piece of coconut cream pie we split left from last night to finish off the meal.
  A bit later we thought, wait, it's ice cream social tonight.  So we went, but having just eaten we both just had a dish of it tonight.
  Oh yes there were no skunks caught today and we had a beautiful sunset.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Saturday, Feb 17th

  Happy birthday Kenney, happy 17th.  Sorry we missed you when we called.
The nights are noticeably cooler these days, so it takes a bit longer for the day to warm up.  The daytime highs have also been cooler, although we did reach 70F today this cooling trend is expected for much of next week.
  Rather than go out for breakfast, I made oatmeal this morning, well for me anyway, as Marg passed on it in favour of coffee & yogurt.  We had a commitment to go to the parking lot flea market again today.  It was the same one as last Saturday but it turned out to be a larger version.  Lynett's daughter and grandson arrived yesterday and they wanted to go as the young fellow is interested in coins and rocks.  They took their own car as he had not been feeling well just in case they had to return early. There was lots of interesting stuff, but the only thing I bought was 3 Canadian coins from the same guy as last weekend.  He recalled my earlier purchase so I got them for $15, he was asking $28.  On checking their value when I got home, they appear to be a pretty good deal.  The young fellow got a couple of U.S. coins for $8 each that also seem to be a good deal as well as an assortment of rocks.  The two coins he paid $8 each seem to be worth $70.   He seemed really pleased with the geode he got.  There was a real variety of objects, something for everyone.  I liked some of the old knives/swords, but the good ones were pretty expensive.  Old bayonets & swords must be real popular from the asking prices.
  Our next stop was a coin shop recommended to us by the vendor, he said they had fair pricing and were negotiable.  As it was close by, we both went to check it out.  The entrance had a heavy wire cage so the operator could check us out before buzzing us in.  I guess we passed the test.  They had a wide selection, some high dollar value stuff like gold and silver bullion.  The coins and bills were mostly U.S., but we did find a reasonable selection of foreign stuff.  From his clearance stuff, I got some good coins, the best of which was an 1880 quarter that I paid $30 and condition rated as VG.  It was marked as regular $60, asking $35.  When I got home I checked it and it is worth between $110 - $230, depending on condition, the upper end being if it really is VG.  It is somewhere between G & VG, so time will tell.  It is easily the oldest Canadian silver coin I own at 137 yrs.  I also got some other stuff, the best of which are a Cdn penny & dime on which I got a couple bucks off.  Lynett was picking through a bin for me and I picked up 9 coins from her efforts for $2.25 and they turned out to be well priced, so a successful day.  They have current coins thrown in with old ones in this area, so a person has to be careful, especially in the English coin.  By my reckoning I am up on my day by something in the order of between $100-$250, largely on the quarter.
  When we got back we had a bite of lunch and then I went to see if anyone was playing pool.  There wasn't so I worked on a way to put an advertising message on the new bingo machine.  They installed it yesterday and it will be an interesting change.  I think I have something that will work, but it might take a bit of trial and error.
  Marg had some visitors and then she went around the park on her cart, checked the mail, etc.  Then we went to happy at Kenny & Doris' place.  There was a pretty good sized crowd today.  Marg left a bit early as she had some prep work to do for supper as we were having company.  When she got home our two mini-visitors from across the road came to see her - for a hug.  Well that and a chocolate.  She allowed it cautioning them to save the chocolate for after supper.  They just come right in now, really funny.  Anyway Mason said hey Marg, why is there an unwrapped chocolate in here, to which she replied oh, those are for Dave.  They are about to be disappointed as the bowl is nearing empty.  Jenn came running over to see if they were causing a problem, saying she could hardly wait until the parents go home as the kids are better when it's just them, something her and Marg seemed to agree on.  Oops did I say that.  Kenny and Doris came for Reuben sandwiches we had at supper and Doris brought a coconut cream pie she made.  Her pies are as legendary as Marg's Reuben's, so it was very good.
  I almost forgot - Skunk update.  Today Gary caught the 3rd skunk, still using marshmallows.  The pest control guy thinks pet food must be attracting and sustaining them.  This time Gary was not so fortunate and got Skunked a bit.  Glad I wasn't there for that.
  By my standards a busy day in the valley of the sun.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Friday, Feb 16th

  A bit nicer day as the rains have ended.  I am certain the locals would like them to continue, but I think most snowbirds would be fine if it's over. The daytime high still got to about 70F, so it was a pleasant day.
  We went out early in the morning for sticky buns at the park managers place.  Aggie is legendary for making them and I guess they were actually sponsored by Gary & Patti to thank all the people who helped them over the past year as well as the new tenants assoc. executive.  It was quite a large group and everyone enjoyed it, especially those attending for the first time. There were lots of buns an coffee and it was great to be included.
  After that I went with Gary to take a picture of the skunk.  He caught his second one today and told me he would help me get a photo.  Well when we got there he told me to get close for a good picture, yeh right.  I might have born in the night but it wasn't last night, so I told him that's what telephoto lenses are for.  He also told me it was a little skunk, but to me it was pretty darn good size, I would say an adult.  I had given him a tarp to cover the cage as they are more placid in the dark and don't like the light.  Between the two he has caught, they have pretty much torn it to pieces, so he is now using a green garbage bag to cover the trap.  The animal control folks came and took it away, probably release it to spray again.
  Then we went out to check out some sales, one estate sale and a couple of park sales all of which turned out to be a bust.  We never bought a thing.  Our next stop was the Ranch market at Superstition where Marg loaded up on vegetables.  Everything is so fresh there and the prices are unbeatable, how good well 10 pounds of potatoes for 99cents, or bell peppers 8 for a dollar.
  A  sandwich for lunch and then I went to play pool.  There was a bluegrass jam session on in the hall, so only a few pool players.  I ended up playing on the A table, but they are good guys whom I have played in prior years.  I played reasonably well and not certain of my statistics, but I was on the winning side enough times to keep from being embarrassed.  I don't think I was the weakest player at the table, probably second weakest, LOL.
  Marg went for groceries and got home about the same I did, so I helped her unload her purchases.  We don't really stock up here like we do at home, so more like the European style shopping more often for fresh stuff.  She put the stuff away while I messed with the wiring for the lights in the breezeway and think I have it working better now.  Just about then one or two people came around asking whether we knew where happy was, so Marg invited everyone to come here.  Just about then a couple from the park were involved in a collision at the intersection nearest our entrance.  It was Lorraine and Jerry, they were rear ended while turning onto our road.  The other vehicle must have been travelling at a pretty good rate of speed, even thought the road is posted at 35mph.  They are OK just shaken up.  It was a small group at happy as quite a few people went to check on them to see if they could help in any way.
  During this process we agreed to go out for supper to the German Gasthaus down Main in Mesa, so when the group left we went in to change.  Well I heard a small knock on the door and it turned out to be Olivia, the four year old across the road.  She had her cousin Mason [about a year older] with her.  She said they were here to give Marg a hug.  Apparently Marg had given them a bag of Cheetos and they wanted to see her. While they were waiting she spied a dish of Ghirardelli chocolates and asked if she could have one, then Mason asked for one, then one for her grandmother [our neighbour], then one for her mother.  It all made for a pretty funny event, so after giving Marg a hug, they ran skipping across the street to grandma's place. 
  There were 3 couples for supper, so Jerry [not the one having the accident] drove as we all fit in his van, to the German restaurant.  It is one we have gone to before, for a few years now as they have a salad bar and the food is usually good.  We were not disappointed, Marg had the Roulad & I had the Veal Weinerschnitzel.  They only serve German beer and it was very good as well.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Thursday, Feb 15th

Woke up with the rain still lightly falling on the roof.  The news media was full of talk about the weather and the rain storm.  The measured the rainfall in just about every area of the state it was such a big deal.  In this area around Phoenix, they pretty much tracked it by neighbourhood, so it took quite a while to report.  This is the 6th largest city in the U.S., so lots of neighborhood's.
  I was able to drive the cart right under the canopy beside the truck, so the seat was reasonably dry.  It was a first as I had just thrown a tarp on it before.  It also makes it easier to put the charger on.
  We got up early and made it for coffee and donuts in the hall.  We had a group promoting the use of their facility for full body medical assessments.  It seems they are covered by most medical plans here, but on a cash basis to Canadians [$1,000].  This happens once in a while, but we all sit there and eat our free donut.  LOL.  This was an important meeting in the election process for the tenants association.  The 3 incumbents whose seats were being contested withdrew, so the process consisted of nominations and then a declaration they were elected.  Marg was one of the nominators, so she stood to nominate Doreen for the Secretary position.  I also learned that she has been recruited to the entertainment committee.  I found out that Gary had caught one skunk last night, so I made a security announcement at the end of the meeting.  I started out saying I was surprised there was no mention of a security issue then that the park had their best man originally from Skunk Hollow on the job, having caught one already using marshmallows.  Then encouraged anyone seeing a skunk to let Gary know. The funny part was he really did grow up in a community known as Skunk Holler in Ohio.  It struck the funny bone with lots of people.
  After coffee we had visitors for a bit and made plans to go out with them after lunch.  I started on a project, I got a string of LED rope light from Costco the other day and installed them on the carport support beam.  The new porch lights are LED as well, but are more task lighting, so don't illuminate the breezeway as well.  It didn't take very long and I had them installed.  The electrical connection is thru the motion light on the Az room, but that is not working out, so I will need to re-wire to get a constant power source.  These lights have some neat features that are more for decorative lighting and are controlled by a remote.
  After lunch we went out with Kenny & Doris to the Mexican grocery store down on Stapely.  It is the largest one that we are aware of.  It was their first time to it so a bit of an experience and Marg picked up some stuff including Chicharoni that she took to happy hour.  It was kind of amusing to see the reaction to it as many of the people at happy had never heard of it, but most seemed OK with it.  By the time we got back it was happy hour.  We had it over in the storage lot where the skunk trap is because Rita's sister Lorraine and her husband bought a new 5th wheel and it was stored over there for a couple of weeks.  There are no available camp spaces in this park until then.  Supper in the house tonight.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Valentines Day 2018

The day started off cloudy and a bit cooler, cool enough for long pants and a sweatshirt for me.  The forecast rain did not start until later in the day.  Just as we got off the golf course as a matter of fact.  I just have to keep reminding myself, this place is in drought conditions and needs the rain, so it is really a blessing.  Even if it is raining on my parade?
  I caught a ride with Allan this morning and went out with the Calloway clubs.  Time to put the regular clubs in the penalty box and perhaps they will get it together.  I never check the bag closely enough before going.  On looking through it, I recalled Daniel had used these clubs last and that explained the few balls in the bag, I think there were about 8 or 10, mostly pretty beat up, although I did manage to find 3 or 4 good ones.  I played with 3 guys from the park, one from Alberta.  I have played with them before and they are fun on the course.  The game started off poorly and didn't get much better for the first 3 holes, so I was really second guessing my decision on the bag.  The last 3 holes were good, so they will be the ones I remember, the ones that keep a guy going back after I burn the score card.  LOL
  Marg washed the floor in the trailer and steamed the clothes from the laundry tis morning while I was away.  Even after the floors were vacuumed, they still had quite a bit of dust clinging to them, just one of the undesirable things in the desert.  I guess the swifter pads were pretty much garbage when she was done.  By the time I go back it was starting to rain, up until then it had been more of a mist.  A pleasant surprise when I got back she had corn bread muffins and soup ready to go.  She knows I like these or biscuits with soup, so it was a very nice lunch.
  When I was returning home I took note of the trap in the storage yard in our area of the park.  On checking with Gary to see if he got skunked, it turns out he did catch a small one this morning.  It's a catch and release trap, you really don't want to kill a skunk in a place like this if you can help it.  That is never good, it means a female and they can have good sized litters.  Anyway he did manage to get the animal control people here to pick it up.  Somehow they got it out of the trap so he could continue trapping without anyone getting sprayed.  It did eat all the marshmallow he put in the cage, so it might have been in a good mood.  He has some lights shining under the building to encourage any others still in there to get out, as there is at least the mother under there.
  It rained pretty much all day, although at times only sprinkling.  Oh yes, the desert needs it, did I mention that already, well I have to keep reminding myself this is a good thing.  Although we didn't have a lot of time on our hands we hung out at home.  Our commitment was to be at the hall for 3 o'clock to help with the Spaghetti Dinner.  One of the couples who are regulars on the kitchen crew were away and Marg just can't refuse some of the people here when they ask for help.  My job today was Water Boiler and sauce/sauce with meatballs stirrer.  Marg was a plate filler and pasta taster.  With the quantities of pasta we were making [for 100 people] we wanted it to be cooked right, not al dante even if that is fashionable in some circles.  As it turned out Gary does most of the cooking at this function and this was where he needed me.  It was a bit of an experience.  The food was good [we ate after everyone was fed] and we had lots of compliments.  The I did some meals on wheels, taking a couple of dinners to people in the park.  Oh during this something funny happened.  Our neighbours were there for dinner and they have their 4 yr old granddaughter staying over. When Jenn pointed Marg out in the kitchen serving, she said and Dave. Olivia had given Marg and I valentines today, so when I saw her went over to the window and thanked her for the valentine.  During dinner she kept looking over at Marg and they had a running thing going.  Cute little thing, very chatty.
  By the time we cleaned up and got out of there, we just wanted to go home and put our feet up.  One of us with a nice glass of Macallan

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Tu8esday, Feb 13th

It rained a bit during the night and the day started out cloudy.  Well they called it rain, but it barely wet the pavement, at home I don't think they would even have reported that amount of rain.  Further north in the high country they got quite a bit of snow in some places, like Show Low, but lesser amounts in places like Flagstaff. 
  The temperatures have cooled off quite a bit, I think I saw 19C on the truck readout today.  It wasn't cold enough to warrant a jacket, but I did wear long pants.  Marg did about 3 loads of laundry today and although the machine is quite a bit smaller that is still a lot.  She had a visitor today asking her to take on a new role with the tenants association but she declined.  Then Gary stopped by to tell us about his pursuit of a skunk in the park.  When we returned from dinner on Friday night a lot of us thought we smelled skunk.  Anyway he is trying to live trap it to remove it from the park.  I gave him a tarp I have to use in covering the cage both to make it dark and to protect against any unplanned discharge by the skunk.  It's down in our end of the park in the storage yard, not far away, so anything I can do [short of pursuing it] is in my best interest.
  After that we went out to Costco.  I wanted gas and Marg a few other things.  The gas price there is about 20 cents a gallon less than anyplace around here.  Marg got some facial cream, frozen peas and some teriyaki chicken she plans to take to the block party on our street.  I wasn't looking for anything but got some rope lighting for the breezeway.
  We got home and had lunch, then I went to play pool for a while.  Had some good games, I think I won more than lost, so a good day.  Marg continued to play the laundry game.
  When I got back I vacuumed the trailer.  There isn't a lot to it, but that seems to be one of the worst things for Marg's back.  There is a lot of dust here, even after I put caulking on some of the windows to seal them.  Then I used my shop vac to clean up the house vac as the filters get too much dust/lint/hair in them.  Marg had a couple of visitors again in the afternoon.  I think that is how the women in this park know more about what is going on than the guys.
  Supper was bbq and was very good.  We had a tinfoil pan of chopped potatoes, turnip, carrot, onion and then pork chops.  It was a bit of a hurried affair as there was bingo in the hall Tuesday night.  We tried the bingo backdrop I made and it is a work in progress with some adjustments required. The focal length of the camera lens is the main cause of the re-work, but it should be better next week.  I had the hot cards tonight and was close on most games, winning two games.  Nothing in the order of the dollars Marg won, but hey a win is a win.

Monday, 12 February 2018

Monday, Feb 12th

The day started cloudy and windy, it seems a weather system is moving in for the next few days.  We may get some rain, they are expecting up to 4 inches of snow in the high country [over 6,000 ft].  With the area in a 20 year long drought, people in the area are really looking forward to the moisture as well as the desert plants. 
  Marg went to the Fort with the gals, I think there were 4 of them today.  It was a good day for her as she had some coupons to $10 off her bingo, then the cashier she always goes to gave her extra coupons, then best of all she won at bingo and was very close on several others.  Her net result financially was very good and she always has a great time when she wins.  She had to split this one so it was $150 in her pocket.
  I had some breakfast and then went to the Food Bank.  No we are not in desperate straits here, I donate my aluminum cans to them.  They really appreciate it even though they primarily deal in food, as the cans help them financially.  Then I went to the hardware where I bought some glue traps.  I use them mainly to catch spiders, crickets and similar critters.  I needed to replace the one in the shed after the snake got all wound up in it with the other critters.
  When I got back I made a sign for the bingo machine and did some posts on the tenants association FB page.  To support the sign I made a wood bracket to sit in front of the camera and hold it.  Then I cleaned up some emails.
  By then I had to make lunch, yes you are hearing correctly. It was leftovers, yes again.  I warmed them up in a frying pan and it was pretty darn good.  It was the pasta and shrimp Marg made the other night.  Well after that I was left with a sink of dishes.  So another domestic chore for yours truly I rolled up the sleeves and did dishes, even put them away after.  I must be in the running for husband of the year award with a performance like that.  Marg was so impressed she even mentioned it.
  I read a bit and then it was time to go pick up Marg at the front gate.  When they get here, she gives Lynett a ride home while I stand on the back, but I get a seat the rest of the way home. 
  A bunch from here went out in the desert today and were just getting back around that time, so we invited them to our place for happy.  It was chilly, so I put out our gas fire pit and it made for a very comfy place to sit out.  Even though I bought it last year, it was the first time we have used it and were happy with it.  The guys all wanted to see the snake I found in the glue trap, the girls not so much.  Anyway I dug it out the trash to show them the fierce 4 or 5 cm snake all dried up.
  Supper tonight was Ihop and Marg had a salad while I went back to my old regular 2x2x2.  The traffic in restaurants is noticeably lighter this winter.  I'm not sure whether there are fewer people eating out or fewer snowbirds period.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Sunday, Feb 11th

The day started out a bit cool & windy so I wore long pants & a jacket to the church service.  The Mexicans and me are not accustomed to this cold weather. LOL.  We joke about the workers at the golf course in their heavy coats & toques while we are in golf shirts and shorts, but maybe the joke is on me now?
  The service was good and the music was good, well what I stayed for.  I left after the sermon as we had a scheduled facetime with Charlene, Phil and all the family.  As a result of a mechanical failure at Anna & Craig's everyone went to Char & Phil's for supper and then baths for the kids. It was great to have the opportunity to talk to everyone this morning, wouldn't have missed it for the world.  What a wonderful start to our day, even if it was supper time for them.
  After we went out to the Mesa market so I could exchange my pocket books.  It was nice to see the old gal I get them from still in business.  She always explains why some are worth more and others less.  When she paid me out on the books I turned in, as always I tell her as soon as I get replacements she'll get it and more back.  It generally amounts to about half or less of what I owe her.  I needed a new golf glove, the kind suited to hot weather that are only in golf shops.  While there I got a head cover to replace the one that disappeared on the course a week ago.  I don't think Marg got anything.
  Then we went to Popeye's for lunch.  A new one opened on Crismon and it was close to where we were.  Their specialty is chicken and it had been quite a while since we ate at one.  It is chicken on the bone, so I had shrimp and coleslaw.  She said her chicken was very good, my dish was OK, the shrimp was Creole, so a bit spicy.
  After lunch we went up to a flea market out neighbour Mark told us about.  He had a few tables at it as he deals in old stuff.  When he introduced us to his son and grandson yesterday he mentioned it and Marg committed to going to see it.  There were about 40 or more vendors and only a few things of interest.  I ended up buying some silver half dollars from a friend of Marks and a couple of coins from another vendor.  It was funny the other vendor had a bunch of knives.  One filleting knife priced at $55 that is exactly like one I own.  That really made me suspect as I would gladly sell mine for that much.  He said he had a bunch of foreign coins but didn't bring them because they are slow movers, but would bring the Canadian ones next week if I was interested.  He said he would be prepared to make a deal on all of them, so we will probably go back to take a look at them. He had a few English coins, but they were not priced well.  He had his grandson price them and they were not realistic, he had a 10 pence coin dated 1970 for $10 and I told him it was worth at most 25 cents.
  After we came home and put our feet up for a bit.  Shortly after Kenny came by to tell us that happy was at his place, so we packed up our chairs and went down there.  It was a pretty good sized crowd, but it turned in to a fun event.  Back home for a supper of salad and some fresh made biscuits.  Didn't want to eat too much as I was saving room for dessert.  Dessert was the ice cream social and I had a banana split while Marg had sherbet.
  When we got home we had a nice facetime with Brennan and Jess.  Nice of them to think of us and we had a nice visit with them.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Saturday, Feb 10th.

Not sure why but I woke up at 5:30 and was up and about by 6 or so.  It was in time to see the sun rise to greet a beautiful day.
  I went to breakfast in the hall this morning and had the usual.  The group I usually sit with were long gone as I never got there until 8:30.  I do that intentionally sometimes so I can sit with different people.  There are so many good folks in this park that you never get to know if you fall into the habit of always doing the same things with the same people day after day.  I ended sitting with Stan who had a visitor from S Carolina and then a couple other guys in the park joined us.  A very interesting guy and we had a good conversation on a number of topics as he was in forestry and his employer had a mill in Hinton that he had been to.  Marg was up well before I left but in spite of my encouraging her, she opted out of a big breakfast.  No surprise there!  Then she started brats in the slow cooker with some purple cabbage and small potatoes.
  She had a couple of conversations with the other ladies organizing the celebration of life this afternoon on some of the details and got them up to date on what she had done.  When  got back I fixed the light switch on the door of the freezer compartment as the light wouldn't come on.  When I went to the tool shed out back, I looked one of the glue traps and there was a tiny snake in it.  It was only about 3 inches long, so very young and looked to be an Arizona gopher snake.  I had found one of these a couple of years ago.  Crickets sometimes get in there, so I suspect it went in looking for lunch and got stuck and died.  It did bring to mind that with this warm weather the snakes are becoming more active.   Anyway after laying there looking up I had a bout of vertigo, so stayed quiet for a while.
  Marg went to Safeway and got some things both for the house and the celebration.  We elected to provide bottled water during the event and she also got:  ice cream, coffee cream, ice and whip cream in spray cans.  It seems there was a lot of pie left from the park sale and they offered it to use at the event.  It seems she was out of the ultimate breakfast food, so picked up some yogurt as well.  She just got back and one of her co-organizers was here waiting.
  At 2 PM we went down to the hall to get things set up.  The crib players have a 1 pm game time, so were still playing when we got there, that was the reason the celebration was not held until 3 pm today.  We had coffee to make and pies to cut, all kinds of chores to get ready.  When the appointed hour came, the hall was pretty full and we were fortunate to have the pastor from the Sunday services here with us and available to pay an important role.  Richard's son delivered the eulogy that was written by our resident author in the park.  There were also several people who spoke in glowing terms about how Richard impacted their lives and what he meant to them.  It went very well and was a fitting farewell to a great fellow.
  It took a while to clean up and then we went back to our place to try and catch our breath.  Kenny & Doris stopped by for what turned out to be the smallest happy hour get together in the park. Then it was supper at home tonight.

Friday, 9 February 2018

Friday, Feb 9th.

Another early start to the day for us.  We were up at approx. 6:30 as I had to be at the hall by 7AM to help put the Sloppy Joe trays into the oven.  You remember, the job Marg volunteered for me.  Well she got up at the time as well, so it was all good.
  Marg got up and put the pull-apart buns in the oven to take with her to the hall for the workers.  She also made a smaller pan that was for home, that would be only me today!  They all turned out great, it certainly made a nice start to my day.  I was only needed at the hall for about 5 minutes, but couldn't go back to bed.
  The park sale didn't seem as busy as last year, although there were still lots of people going through and checking out the vendors.  The gals sold lots of Sloppy Joes and pieces of pie today.  Most of the people volunteering to work in the hall had done it before so it seemed to go very smoothly today.  They were in the hall from 7 AM until about 2 PM, so a pretty long day when you are on your feet.
  I went out to get a cable from the hardware.  Nice salesman as he took my cable and ends into the back room and crimped them on to make loops at each end.  When I got home, I put one end on a screw eye and fastened it under the front step.  This was so I could lock up the battery charger for the cart as that is what is most frequently stolen.  Then I put some caulking down on the wall at the back where we had been having water coming in.  I hope this fixes it.  Then I fabricated a hinge piece for the electrical box weather cover.  It has a lid that flips up except one hinge had tore out and it was just hanging from the other.
  While I was working out back, I checked on the status of the greens Marg had laid out.  Forgot to add this in the last blog.  Yesterday after cutting the celery to put in the Sloppy Joe mix, she brought home the trimmings and laid them out on a paper plate. There has been a small rabbit hanging around the back and eating weeds and stuff, so she wanted to help it out.  As we all know rabbits don't eat carrots, but this one loved the celery and cleaned it all up except for the base of the stalks.
  By the time I finished, I went to the hall for lunch and was lucky to be joined by Marg.  It was busy in there, but steady so they were not rushed off their feet when you have people who know what to do.  After lunch I went to get my camera, I was so pre-occupied that I forgot to get photos earlier.  I was just in time to catch the raffle draws.  The ladies who organized it did an amazing job of gathering lots of good prizes.  Marg was drawn for a nice throw and in fact drawn a second time, but told them to draw again so others would have a chance.  She was the only one to do that, other multiple winners just took their prizes home.  After the draws were all done, I stayed to help put the hall back in order so the people who were there all day could get away at a decent time.
  After we got back we took quick showers, no not together.  It was very hot today so after being so  busy, needed to freshen up.  Marg had a visitor to discuss the celebration tomorrow and then it was off to happy hour.  The gals having worked in the kitchen all day I knew we would be eating out tonight.  They decided to go to the Chinese buffet on Power road.  We had been there in the past, but this was our first time this year.  There were 11 of us went and the food was very good.  A bit different from the other Chinese, but still very good, in fact some parts were better.  It was kind of funny was the other vehicle insisted on taking a local road there, but I just went on the freeway.  When they still weren't there quite a while after we were seated, I called Kenny to ask if Jerry's Kia had broke down.  It turns out Kenny had drove, so I just said to try and get there before we were done with desert.  As I sit here still feeling full, I think we are done with buffet dining for a while.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Thursday, Feb 8th

Happy Birthday Lyzi hope your day was special.  Happy 50th Birthday Bill, sounds like your day was awesome.
  The day started early for us as we went to coffee klatch this morning.  We generally sit at different tables each week and I was able to shake my jinx.  Our table was selected for donuts early in the process so good options:  Marg got a cherry fritter & I got a blueberry fritter.  The meeting had lots of information today on activities and the park wide patio sale tomorrow.  It was also the second step in the election process for the tenants association executive.  The incumbents were put forward as candidates by the nomination committee and next week there is an opportunity for nominations from the floor.  Generally this is the end of the process, however this year there will be candidates for 3 of the positions as they announced their intention to seek nomination next week.  It has been the topic around the park, our equivalent of high drama.  Our good friend Kenny is chair of the nomination committee, so his normally token role, is very much in focus this year.
  After coffee I stayed to help reorganize the hall for the event tomorrow, tables for the bake sale and vendors in the hall.  Marg went to the kitchen to work with the gals doing the prep work for Sloppy Joes tomorrow.  A couple of guys fry the hamburger the gals do all the slicing and dicing to make the sauce.  I have been told that I volunteered to go there tomorrow morning at 7 AM to put the mixture in the oven so it will be hot and ready as required.  Can hardly wait!
  By the time all this was done, we toured around the park.  The patio sale vendors [we would call them garage sellers] have their goods displayed so the residents can have an advance opportunity to buy things.  They do this in consideration that many of the residents volunteer to make the day a success and this frees up their day on Friday.  Marg picked up a few things: a bunt pan & some kind of satchel or purse; me nothing.  We also seem to have been running a delivery service and she was taking things others bought and dropping them at their sites because we were mobile in the cart.  Oh yes she bought donuts, Christine from Alberta makes them for sale and she had earlier placed an order for a dozen.  It was kind of funny as when she was putting them in a bag, a few fell on the ground, so rather than wait for the next batch, she just got a few donut holes thrown in.  They were very good, but I think Marg gave everyone she saw one, even sent me over to give Gary one when he was working.
  After lunch  we had a few visitors, first Bob & Shari dropped off a Jamaican banana nut loaf that he flavours with rum & pina colada and they had a donut.  Then Gary stopped after he trimmed a few palm trees on his way to the dumpster with the fronds and shortly after Patti was walking around so seeing him here stopped in.  We were just having a conversation about whether he should take the afternoon off.  To influence him, I said there is an old quote - Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun, why - well it was in the 80's by then and reached 87F, pretty warm.  Yes Patti had a donut as well.  That seems to have been the turning point and he went home.
  In the afternoon she took a second tour through the park and got a couple more bargains: a piece of carpet & a hat [for the spring tea?], me still nothing.  As we passed other golf carts we often stopped to chat, so it took a long time to get around the park.  By then it was time for happy hour.  On the way to happy we took the brownies to the hall and stopped for mail before settling in.  There were about 20 people there, but it was fun.
  We went home where Marg whipped up some shrimp and pasta in a kind of stir fry.  It was very good and as the trailer was warming up so we ate outdoors in the breezeway.  We finished up the last donut and two donut holes, thankfully she held back one brownie that I ate.  By then I was done eating for the day, well it keeps me from snacking.  LOL
  Better not stay up too late tonight as I need to be in the kitchen at 7.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Wednesday, Feb 7th

Happy birthday Daniel, we hope you had a very good day on your 15th birthday.  Sorry we could not be there to share it with you.
  Pretty windy today, but sunny and warm.  I believe it was in the low 80's at the high point.  When I say it warmed up, there is generally a noticeable heat starting to build by mid-morning peaking shortly after the noon hour.  It stays hot until about supper time and by 6 o'clock the sun has set and it cools off quickly.
  I went golfing with the group from the park this morning.  We had a good turnout, but not quite as many as last week. I had a better than average game, except for my putting.  Old Fish Boat here, if I could have eliminated a few 3 putts, I would have had a great game.  You know putt, putt, putt.  I had a bogey on every par 3 hole today, even though I drove the green on two.  Arghhh!  I was closest to the pin on #7 for a few groups, but Gene stuck one on closer and took the prize money today.  Two weeks he nipped me on the longest putt.  I told him this is getting serious as I was going to use the money to send my grandchildren to kindergarten.  Not much sympathy there.
  Marg put a pork roast in the slow cooker and went to water aerobics.  They had a good turnout today.  She said the pool was wonderful, but the wind made it feel cool when she got out.  In fact she took a bathrobe to put on when she got out.  When I got back to the park I drove past the pool taking Alan to his trailer as he rode with me.  All the gals were still splashing away but they must keep an eye open for whoever goes by as they were waving at me.  It must have been close to the end as Marg showed up back at the trailer shortly after [flying down the road in her bathrobe].
  After lunch I went to run a few errands and Marg had visitors.  There were a few groups of them as they have been getting together to talk about the celebration of life for Richard on Saturday.  I think it is starting to come together.  Knowing these gals I am certain it will be a fitting tribute to a great guy.  It is still a bit of an emotional subject.  I went to the post office, then to Best Hardware and finally to get water in the 5 gallon bottle.  By the time I returned - more visitors and I went to play pool.
  Supper tonight was the roast from the slow cooker, mashed potato and vegetables.  There was enough for 3, so Marg made up a plate for Janice next door.  I guess she is having a tough day, so I delivered a plate of supper over to her.  It was a bit later, so Marg said just tell her it was because we had too many visitors or make up an excuse.
  After supper I went to play poker, where I got trimmed pretty badly.  Too much bragging about how well I was doing must have jinxed me.  Marg had Randy over for a bit and he seemed happy with the arrangements for his dad's celebration.  Then she did her baking: brownies and mini cheesecake to donate for the bake sale on Friday.  The big park wide patio sale is on Friday.  She has volunteered for kitchen work with sloppy joes again.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Tuesday, Feb 6th

Another nice day in the valley, with the temp climbing to 80 or a bit above today.  It is quite a temperature climb to get there as the night time temps were in the 40's.  We set the thermostat to 67F which is about 17C and the furnace cuts in a few times during the night.  To go out at night you really need a jacket.
  After breakfast we went out to the insurance agency to pay our policy renewal.  In the process we added the golf cart to our policy for an additional $35/year and that includes theft coverage.  The policy on the park model has personal liability of $100K, so I am covered to break a lot of windows with my errant golf shots.  LOL  The gals at the agency are great to deal with and our favourable comments about them has quite a few people from the park getting their coverage there.  After that I stopped at Ace hardware to get some bags for the shop vac.  While there I checked on the screws that are in the box I bought at the park sale on Saturday for 25 cents.  They were 45 cents each, so double the price I paid for the box - hard to believe, but true.
  When we got back, Marg put a load of washing in and went to water aerobics.  They had a pretty good turn out and the weather was perfect for time in the pool.  There are a few people here who have grandchildren with them this week and they were in the pool after the aerobics group finished.  Some days it is a golf cart parade leaving the pool when they finish.  On the way back she stopped to give the gal across the street from us and her granddaughter a ride on the cart.  The little one just turned 4 and is here visiting her grandparents.  I guess she was pretty happy having a ride on the cart and a bit later Marg gave her a sticker book that had puppies and accessories.  The last time I saw her she had her grandparents dog in a wagon and was pulling, so Marg was pretty sure she would like it  Her older brother was here last year and Marg made a bit of a fuss over him as well.
  I stayed home in the morning and worked on the caulking around the new outdoor lights and over the patio door.  When I installed the lights they didn't fit tight against the wall because of the siding profile, so I put clear silicone in the gaps.  The old caulking over the patio door was not very well done and was very lumpy and looking terrible, so I cut the excess of it off.  The end result was rated as a significant improvement by Marg when she returned.
  Lunch was a sandwich and after I went to play pool while Marg went out to pick up some things we needed.  One of the things was vitamin B-12.  When she was here Charlene suggested I take it because of the number of migraines I was having.  Since I started taking it I have had one migraine in the past 4 months, where I was getting them at least weekly sometimes daily.  I guess Marg had trouble finding pool noodles, so that is still on the needs list.  I guess the supply of these has dwindled to where she wants to get her own, probably best anyway so she doesn't have to compete for the good ones.  When she got back, she had quite a bit of company and there were a couple still there when I got back.
  I played pool in a group of four and when another fellow came, left to play with him.  Someone always does that so everyone who shows up has an opportunity to play.  My game was about as good as it ever gets today, so it was a lot of fun for yours truly.  The guy I left the group to play with is one of the better players here and had the opposite kind of day.  You know the kind of day when nothing goes right for a guy.  I am pretty certain the next time the roles are reversed the "No Mercy" rule will be in place.
  We went for happy hour and there were a new couple from Ontario there.  They live between London & Strathroy, so is close to where my cousin Lorne and his family live.  The group was a smaller one which is always nice, so you can actually carry on a conversation.  The hosts today are one of the couples that generally tries to keep it that way, we by the way are another.  The definition of small varies somewhat, but there were about 18 today.
  Supper tonight was bbq steak, baked potato, yams.  It was a very nice steak and thick. We try to cut down on our red meat, so Marg generally cuts off as much as she wants and I start it early, especially with a thick steak.  After hers cooks for about 15 minutes I put mine on and it seems to work out the way we both like it.
  Bingo tonight at the hall and there were no winners at our table.  Marg waited on a last number quite a bit, me only once.  The games were all changed tonight, to the ones they are programming in to the new bingo machine.  We had a good crowd and the money ball was won again.  It was a smaller payout than last week, but still worthwhile.  Everyone was happy for Christine [she is from Tofield] as she is kind of the MC and helps selling cards both at the start and intermission and is well liked in the park.  Ah well some times you are bug and other times the windshield.
  I noticed some typo's in the post yesterday, I trust each of you can get the gist of my diatribe and figure out what I was trying to say as I don't have an editor and often times do this late in the evening.  Ciao bella. 

Monday, 5 February 2018

Monday, Feb 5th

A busy day for this pair of snowbirds.  It was a nice day with temperatures rising from a chilly morning very quickly to a warm and then hot day.
  It was a travel day for the Gamblin' Gals and four eager gals went to the Fort seeking their fortunes.  It was fairly busy there and they came away with one big winner, Lynett finally had her day. Marg said she was one number 3 or 4 times on big jackpots and twice her number was in the monitor as the next one out, one was $600 the other $800, so it was exciting.  They never had a lot of extra time today with lunch and the break periods mainly it, so casino time was very short.
  I went with two other guys from the park and played 18 holes at Encanto, meeting Gerry there. The course was in nice shape and not too busy.  One of the fellows here [from New Mexico] offered to drive and it was his first time into the city centre.  He was keen and perhaps apprehensive so we left 1 1/2 hrs before our Tee time.  The traffic was steady going, but not too heavy and he did fine.  Coming back it was heavier around the tunnel and he had lots of excitement.  He did well and wants to return, so it will be interesting to see if he volunteers to drive.  The course played well and we finished pretty much at the 4 hour mark.  We had time to hit a few practice balls and putts.  The restaurant at the course is not open this year, so Marg gave me some breakfast bars and a muffin.  The other guys never thought that far ahead, so I shared the bars.  The were like the oat cakes we had in Scotland.  I also took two bottles of Gatorade and two of water and crank them all.  I had a better game today than last time, so am encouraged, I never even lost a ball.  It was in the low 80's and I got a bit of sunburn, so will have to start wearing my hat better suited to keeping the sun off my head.
  When Marg got home, I met them at the gate and thinking about the time they got home last time I got there early.  Well they were slower this time, so I had a fair amount of time at the gate.  Numerous people stopped to see why I was there and I said I was the new security guy and there to keep out he riff raff.
  When Marg got home we had perogies for supper and then she went out to see some people about the celebration of life on Saturday for Richard Cain.  A group in the park at helping his son Randy with this as Rich was important to almost everyone he met.  It is encouraging that quite a few seem willing to contribute.
  Another sad note today, Gerry's sister passed away.  A tough day for him, a sad day for the family. A great bunch most of whom I have known for about 65 years & the younger 3 all their lives.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Superbowl Sunday

Started the day off attending the church service in the hall.  There was a smaller group than last week, but they sang much better.  In fact they were pretty darn good.  The day warmed up shortly after the service and became very warm, I think we made it to 80F again today.  So a beautiful day in the sun.
  After I went over to a friends place, they are from BC, and helped a bit with some of the roof on his car port.  It's the same fellow I got the fridge for yesterday and I actually went to take him a tarp strap he left in the truck.  Then I road around the park a bit as by then it was  gorgeous day.
  Got back and did some work on the outside stair railings.  They get a bit loose from being handled all the time, so just need tightening.  Messed with that for quite awhile until I got both the front & rear to where I was satisfied with them.  After we went out for lunch to Taco Bell.  They have so many specials and good package deals that it's an easy choice.  Marg had a $5 Nacho cheese special and I had a crunch wrap meal, both of which we enjoyed.
  Then it was on to Home Depot where we looked a, well lots really.  We were looking at patio chairs or furniture and lighting for the breezeway.  I think we will eventually get some rope lighting, but for now just got LED outdoor lights for the two entrance doors.  The ones we had were the old original that we generally refer to as ham jars.  They are about the cheapest ones you can buy.  The new LED ones are very nice looking and much brighter as well as energy efficient.  I think we will probably end up with LED lighting in the breezeway to help with using it as a patio.
  When we got home I installed the porch lights and they were as good as we expected, so we're happy with our purchase.  They not only are brighter on the stairs, but the driveway as well.  Marg made a cole slaw and put baked beans in a crock pot to heat. These were her contribution to the group supper at half time during the Superbowl game.  Gene & Sheri invited four couples to their place to watch the game.  The last couple of years it was at Gary & Linda's and I think I must be the only non-football watcher in the group, but I enjoy their company.  Marg made a bit of a variation in the slaw, she added bits of apple like my mother used to do and it was a big hit.  The baked beans she took were a big hit as well.  People here love beans and the ones she takes get great comments, I guess they are just like home-made.
  We went to the Smith's at 4:00 to catch the anthem & kick-off.  I also took a few beers and what was left in a bottle of Tullamore Dew and my shot cups.  The Irish whisky is always a hit with the guys there, but I knew that in advance.  It was a good game and good company, a fun evening.  The half time show was very good and when they had the hologram of Prince as part of the act it gave me an idea.  I should have one made of me and my kids can play it for my grandchildren.  Why you ask, well it could be me telling them to study hard and be the best then can be.  Well the idea still needs work as you can see.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Saturday, Feb 3rd

Today we were off to an early start.  Had some of the sticky buns and we were on the road.  The day started cool, so we wore jackets, still in shorts though.
  It was a park sale day, so we went to the two just east of our park first thing.  At the first one I bought a box of screws, the ones with rubber washers to fasten sheet metal roofing.  Some of the ones at the lake are leaking, so need to be replaced.  I bought a few of them for a job around here earlier and paid about 20 cents each, so the box was a good deal at 25 cents.  I saw something that was new to me, a Gun Clock.  It was a nice mantle clock and I thought he meant that was the name of the manufacturer - no.  The face of the clock tipped down and behind he works is a compartment that included a case to keep a pistol.  I'm not sure if it is a hiding spot or a secret way to get at it quickly.  Anyway I never bought it.  At the second park across the road, we never saw anything that appealed to us.
  We drove down university to a third park where I got an electric clamp meter.  It has many uses, but for me mainly testing continuity and voltage.  It can also test a wire for quality of the insulation to see if it is leaking voltage.  It was at what I thought was a good deal.  That was it for that park.  Then we went to a really nice park that we usually score at, but alas nothing.  So we made all those places without Marg buying anything.
  We stopped at Safeway on the way home and got a few things.  Well Marg did, I got a couple of lottery tickets, so we are potential millionaires again.  Then it was home for lunch.  Marg made me a nice bacon, egg, hash brown meal, I guess she was feeling guilty for my not going to the big breakfast at the hall this morning.  No matter why she did that, it was good.
  After lunch I went with a couple in the park to pick up a fridge.  It was quite a ways and they never had a truck.  In the past other people in the park have helped us that way, so it was no big deal.  Marg did her nails and had a visitor or two, then got a dish ready to take to a birthday party.  A quick shower and we went to the birthday party at Rita & Darryl's place.  It was a party for her sister, Lorraine who is here from Spruce Grove.  It's funny, they came for a visit and ended up buying a fifth wheel and renting a yearly lot.  They are about the 6th couple to take a lot for the next year in the park.  The other thing that is a coincidence is that when she was young and single, she used to date Evelyn's brother Art Soucy, small world.
  When we got back from that I found my hand truck and a case of 30 cans of beer at home.  It was the couple who I helped get a fridge had returned it and left the beer.  That was nice, even thought I told them not to bother with anything. 
  We just had time to change and get ready for the Mardi Gras party & dance at the hall.  They had some great decorations and did some things to make it seem a bit like New Orleans.  There was a fortune teller, card reader set up in a booth that most people went to, including Marg & Lynett, seen here.  They had a couple of large cakes and a baby was baked into each.  If you got a piece with the baby it would bring you luck and prosperity for the next year.  The music was all taped, but well done.  We were among the few who did not dance, but it was fun anyway.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Groundhog Day, 2018

The groundhog saw his shadow, so that means 6 more weeks of winter, no early spring this year.  Well that really doesn't mean much in Arizona, but to our family and friends in Alberta, that is bad news.  Hey wait, we are only a 3 hour flight from Edmonton, what's holding you back?
  The day started out in grand style with hot sticky buns or monkey bread as Marg calls it.  This is a big hit around here especially in our place.  Marg generally takes a plate of them over to Janice next door, especially this year as she is dealing with quite a lot.  They were good and even better when I put butter on them while hot.  Life is good.  She also put some chicken, potatoes, etc. in the slow cooker, so supper was looked after early in the day.
  The neighbour behind came while I was still wearing my PJ pants, to borrow my hand truck [2 wheel cart] to move his washing machine.  It's a Splendide just like ours but he is having some mechanical problems.  Kind of startling, I almost never lounge about in my PJ's but was really laid back this morning.  After he left we spent some time on the phone with Mediacom about our bill for TV & internet.  They had sent the bill to our GP address and then it was forwarded back here.  With all that, we only got it Thursday and it was due today, so I had to pay it over the phone and get the mail directed to this address.  It was probably a result of the final bill when we left in March being sent to our home address.  We generally keep the service until a day or two before leaving, with any  luck it will be OK next month.  At the same time as this stuff, Marg put in a load of laundry.  It was darks today, it seems that we was darks and lights separately.  Who would have figured?
  It was just about time for splash & thrash, so Marg left on the cart.  I guess there were only a handful of ladies, but the pool was like a bath tub.  She had a good workout and again drove home giving one of the gals a ride in the process.  That is one thing that is working out well.  Her hip continues to be a challenge, but she skips some of the exercises substituting others that are better suited to her situation.
  I rode the bike, but just around the park and it seemed to go OK today.  I wanted to see one of the guys who fell off his ladder yesterday.  As it turns out he was still not good, so good thing I took the bike so I could return home and get him a heat pad to strap on.  Marg has these Salonpas that she swears by and whenever she gives one out to try, gets a reaction that they are miraculous.  Hope it works for Jerry.  Then I rode around and visited with a couple of other people on the way.  One was a guy putting a new hot water tank in his motorhome.  He was doing it himself, but had paid $1,000 for the replacement unit.  Note to self - look after the hot water tank in the RV.  He was having difficulty with the wiring being quite different from the old one, so I suggested he call the manufacturer.  Duh, anyway that worked out pretty well for him.
  By then we both arrived home [this is just another of our homes] and it was lunch time.  Marg made us a sandwich, which was very good.  What isn't good was that I ate the last of the Christmas baking today.  Yeh I know, I don't really need it, but I'd like to think I have moved beyond basic needs.  Have you heard of Maszlo's hierarchy of needs?  Well if not look it up, mine are fare beyond basic.  LOL
  After lunch I went to play some pool.  I ended up playing with two other guys, one really good, one average, so it was an interesting match-up.  I lost the first game when I just arrived and had to play on my own and then one other when the good player played on his own, but the rest were winners.  The best one was the last game where I played the other two and came away with a win in a come from behind effort.  Marg came to get me from the pool room as it was getting close to 3 o'clock.  I had agreed to photo the Mardi Gras parade, so it was a quick ride home to get the camera and then back to the assembly area.
  Some of the people really dressed up for it and it created interest in the dance on Saturday night.  Marg and I sat with friends near the start of the route.  While we were there we met a couple from Washington state who are new to the park but have rented their lot for the year and he is building a shed on it.  There have been quite a few new annual renters this year.  It's a difficult park to get into, so they secure their spot this way, but it's sure going to tighten up the site availability.  Anyway I took quite a few photos and posted them on my page [by mistake] and then on the tenants association FB page.  Marg's buddy Lynette was the Queen of the Mardis Gras.
  Supper was the slow cooker chicken and it was good.  Again a dish for next door.  A little later, Randy [2 doors down] came to chat with Marg.  She is kind of like a mother hen here, not just at home.  I'm thinking of getting her a booth and sign like in Charlie Brown comics - the doctor is in 5cents.