Saturday, 3 February 2018

Saturday, Feb 3rd

Today we were off to an early start.  Had some of the sticky buns and we were on the road.  The day started cool, so we wore jackets, still in shorts though.
  It was a park sale day, so we went to the two just east of our park first thing.  At the first one I bought a box of screws, the ones with rubber washers to fasten sheet metal roofing.  Some of the ones at the lake are leaking, so need to be replaced.  I bought a few of them for a job around here earlier and paid about 20 cents each, so the box was a good deal at 25 cents.  I saw something that was new to me, a Gun Clock.  It was a nice mantle clock and I thought he meant that was the name of the manufacturer - no.  The face of the clock tipped down and behind he works is a compartment that included a case to keep a pistol.  I'm not sure if it is a hiding spot or a secret way to get at it quickly.  Anyway I never bought it.  At the second park across the road, we never saw anything that appealed to us.
  We drove down university to a third park where I got an electric clamp meter.  It has many uses, but for me mainly testing continuity and voltage.  It can also test a wire for quality of the insulation to see if it is leaking voltage.  It was at what I thought was a good deal.  That was it for that park.  Then we went to a really nice park that we usually score at, but alas nothing.  So we made all those places without Marg buying anything.
  We stopped at Safeway on the way home and got a few things.  Well Marg did, I got a couple of lottery tickets, so we are potential millionaires again.  Then it was home for lunch.  Marg made me a nice bacon, egg, hash brown meal, I guess she was feeling guilty for my not going to the big breakfast at the hall this morning.  No matter why she did that, it was good.
  After lunch I went with a couple in the park to pick up a fridge.  It was quite a ways and they never had a truck.  In the past other people in the park have helped us that way, so it was no big deal.  Marg did her nails and had a visitor or two, then got a dish ready to take to a birthday party.  A quick shower and we went to the birthday party at Rita & Darryl's place.  It was a party for her sister, Lorraine who is here from Spruce Grove.  It's funny, they came for a visit and ended up buying a fifth wheel and renting a yearly lot.  They are about the 6th couple to take a lot for the next year in the park.  The other thing that is a coincidence is that when she was young and single, she used to date Evelyn's brother Art Soucy, small world.
  When we got back from that I found my hand truck and a case of 30 cans of beer at home.  It was the couple who I helped get a fridge had returned it and left the beer.  That was nice, even thought I told them not to bother with anything. 
  We just had time to change and get ready for the Mardi Gras party & dance at the hall.  They had some great decorations and did some things to make it seem a bit like New Orleans.  There was a fortune teller, card reader set up in a booth that most people went to, including Marg & Lynett, seen here.  They had a couple of large cakes and a baby was baked into each.  If you got a piece with the baby it would bring you luck and prosperity for the next year.  The music was all taped, but well done.  We were among the few who did not dance, but it was fun anyway.


  1. Love the photo of Mom... can’t believe how happy she looks x

  2. Sounds like a great time at Mardi Gras! Hello to Lorraine!
