Thursday, 22 February 2018

Thursday, Feb 22nd

You would think us northerners would handle the weather here with more aplomb, but the truth of the matter is we came to miss out on winter and for the sun.  Tomorrow is forecast to be the coolest day and then there is hope in sight with a bit of a warming trend by the weekend.
  We started the day off with a bowl of oatmeal.  Must be my heritage, but I really enjoy it at breakfast.  Marg also enjoys it, I would like to think that it is because this is one of the few things that I make, but she used to eat quite a bit of it as a youth.  I started out the day with no plans and by noon I was pretty much half-way done.  That is an old line of dad's from his retirement years.
  Marg did laundry this morning and into the afternoon.  Our neighbour has a clothes line that she told Marg to use, so she did sheets this morning. The washing machine we have can't handle large loads, but Marg has it pretty much figured out and can do anything in it.  One of the most common problems with the machine we have is detergent with too much suds action, it plugs things up.  As a result she has changed to an HE low suds detergent and it works extremely well.
  I went out for a bit to put away the gas fire pit and propane tank.  Then I decided to have a look at the screen around the breezeway.  I put up the brackets and cross pieces to hold the paneling and it went well, intending to put up the panels as well.  Between my cold and the chilly wind I decided that was not a good idea.  I am starting to feel better and all I have left is a nasty cough, so don't want to start all over again.  As a result I went back to my original plan for today - no plans.  I did manage to have a couple of short naps, usually ending with each visitor.  There is a pattern here.
  Marg went out with the cart for mail and to take both the recycling and garbage to the dumpster bins.  Then returned to steam the laundry. 
  During the day we had about 4 or 5 visits with people coming by to check on us.  I guess they are starting to notice we are not out and about as much as normal.  One came to tell us he was feeling unwell from the cocktails last night and his wife not much better.  Another to tell us happy was a their place, but that was not in the plan for us.
  That was about it for today, wish I had something more exciting to report, but some days are like this.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you finally got the family portraits in the mail xx
