Monday, 5 February 2018

Monday, Feb 5th

A busy day for this pair of snowbirds.  It was a nice day with temperatures rising from a chilly morning very quickly to a warm and then hot day.
  It was a travel day for the Gamblin' Gals and four eager gals went to the Fort seeking their fortunes.  It was fairly busy there and they came away with one big winner, Lynett finally had her day. Marg said she was one number 3 or 4 times on big jackpots and twice her number was in the monitor as the next one out, one was $600 the other $800, so it was exciting.  They never had a lot of extra time today with lunch and the break periods mainly it, so casino time was very short.
  I went with two other guys from the park and played 18 holes at Encanto, meeting Gerry there. The course was in nice shape and not too busy.  One of the fellows here [from New Mexico] offered to drive and it was his first time into the city centre.  He was keen and perhaps apprehensive so we left 1 1/2 hrs before our Tee time.  The traffic was steady going, but not too heavy and he did fine.  Coming back it was heavier around the tunnel and he had lots of excitement.  He did well and wants to return, so it will be interesting to see if he volunteers to drive.  The course played well and we finished pretty much at the 4 hour mark.  We had time to hit a few practice balls and putts.  The restaurant at the course is not open this year, so Marg gave me some breakfast bars and a muffin.  The other guys never thought that far ahead, so I shared the bars.  The were like the oat cakes we had in Scotland.  I also took two bottles of Gatorade and two of water and crank them all.  I had a better game today than last time, so am encouraged, I never even lost a ball.  It was in the low 80's and I got a bit of sunburn, so will have to start wearing my hat better suited to keeping the sun off my head.
  When Marg got home, I met them at the gate and thinking about the time they got home last time I got there early.  Well they were slower this time, so I had a fair amount of time at the gate.  Numerous people stopped to see why I was there and I said I was the new security guy and there to keep out he riff raff.
  When Marg got home we had perogies for supper and then she went out to see some people about the celebration of life on Saturday for Richard Cain.  A group in the park at helping his son Randy with this as Rich was important to almost everyone he met.  It is encouraging that quite a few seem willing to contribute.
  Another sad note today, Gerry's sister passed away.  A tough day for him, a sad day for the family. A great bunch most of whom I have known for about 65 years & the younger 3 all their lives.


  1. Good to hear you are golfing and Marg hope you win the big one next time. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gerry and his family.

  2. Glad to hear the golfing & gambling gangs are going strong. So sorry to hear the sad news... sending my love and prayers to all the Canuels,.. they are such good people xx
