Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Hot Day
What a nice summer day, oops, almost forgot it's winter. Temp got up to 87F and there we were working our tails off to get ready to leave. Didn't even golf today, but by noon we were in pretty good shape, so I played pool & Marg swam in the pool. Settled up the electric account and got assurance that this space is ours for next year. Spent lots of time saying farewells to all of the nice people in the park. Lots of people leaving tomorrow & Friday as well as next week. All of the activities pretty much cease this week. It's funny, the year round people complain about the impact of the snowbirds, but they sure miss us when we all leave and the place is like a ghost town. This change is the same in every park. Went for dinner to Los Gringos Loco with Betty, Ron & Sue. Food was good as usual & Marg got a take-away container of their salsa, that she loves. I played my last poker game tonight & my streak is broken. They had me on the ropes, I don't think I had a winning hand for the first hour, but I bounced back and ended up losing 45 cents. In the morning it will be disconnect the water & cable and hit the road. Not sure what our internet access will be as we are planning to stay in Mesquite for 2 or 3 nights. There is no internet connection in that park, so we will need to go to MacDonalds for wifi. If you don't hear from us stay tuned, we will eventually find a connection. The weather in Montana around Butte is bad on the weekend & that is where the passses are, so we will hold up until it clears. We will likely go north into Utah & clear Salt Lake City on Saturday or Sunday which will put us in reach of the border for Monday. I heard from Dave Trout today and they are leaving tomorrow and plan on being in St George, so about an hour apart. We will likely try to get together. Oh yeh, almost forgot, the owls have had their young and today for the first time, some people here saw them, there are 3 babies. We saw one this evening, they are all fuzzy yet, but growing very fast.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
March 28
What a hot day, I think it was 89F/31C today. We got on the road early and drove in to Arizona Mills. Now there is an outlet mall, people go there just to mall-walk because it's a mile around the inside. Some pretty high end as well as bargain stuff. There was a Saxs & a Nieman Marcus as well as Eddie Bauer, etc. Too many to mention. It's quite a hike from here, almost all the way to the office in Phoenix I go to for meetings. On the way back we stopped in at Costco and bought some whiskey - Crown Royal and had lunch. Get this, a foot long beef hot dog and a soda for $1.50. The place was full of geezers having lunch, LOL. These stores are all the same, but this one had the largest food area I have ever seen. I bet there were tables and seating for over 100. Had to stop for windshield wipers for the car as they are badly past their useful life and got one for $2 at Walmart. By the time we got back to the park it was too hot to do much, so I played pool and Marg went for a pedicure/manicure & a stop at the post office. Not sure what it cost but her toes are red & nails are pinky. Played well, but still got beat a bit. Will miss these guys when I go home as they are a lot of laughs. After pool I started packing some things up as our time here is short. We bbq'd for dinner and then Carol stopped by to go to bingo with Marg. Being bored, I went to bingo too, but I sat with Ron while Marg sat with her hen party. She & Carol won, but had to split it. Me on the other hand also won, but got to keep it all - $25 big ones. It was my first time at bingo & got lots of verbal abuse after, but a couple did say being as we are leaving this week I probably needed the money for gas. LOL
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Ridin' & ropin'
Outdoor day
Friday, 25 March 2011
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Gausthaus anyone?
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
March 23rd
Day started off a little cool, but warmed up quickly. Marg calls Wednesday DDay - Dave's day because of my commitments. Had a meeting last week, so was glad to get back on track with the fun stuff. Almost wore long pants to golf this AM, but by 9AM we had the jackets off and were glad we had shorts on. Really funny, there us northerners were in shorts & short sleeves. The mexicans on the mowers were in hoodies with the hoods pulled up, gloves on. They must really be thin-blooded. Gerry came and we played with Pat from Sask. I played well, for the me, but had the inevitable crash on a couple of holes, like a 4 put on a par 3 & a ball in the water, ending with a 46. That is great for me, so happy day. Oh well, that is why I never played for a living - Hah! Make a note, use old ball on water hole next time. Marg went to coffee & amazing cinnamon rolls at Aggies, with a bunch of friends. She & Curtis are the park managers. Now I am left wondering, just how good were those rolls - couldn't she have brought one home. After lunch played pool with a good group. That will be the last time I play Bob until next year as they are leaving for home in Ohio tomorrow. Marg got us volunteered for the hamburger fry tonight that the park put on, at the coffee - you know, the one with the supposedly great rolls. The group doing it were short, so the volunteer queen stepped right in and brought her court jester [me] with her. LOL. My job, you're going to laugh - to sit at a table and take in the $3 per person for the hamburgers/chili/etc. That's right I've gravitated to a high finance role here in AJ. Pretty funny, Gary asked if I was capable of handling US money. I told him that wasn't real money & I went and got some Canadian money to show them. This will crack you up, but about half of them had never seen Cdn money & I don't think any had seen a loonie or toonie. Anyway good burgers , so that was our supper. After, Doris had made a banana cream pie. She is an awesome pie builder and we were complaining that we had not had a single bite of one of her pies this year. I guess that's how to get pie & coffee. Sitting there enjoying life in general and Ron came looking for me, somehow I was late for poker. Anyway we were 6 for poker tonight and I came away $3.05 wealthier. Getting a little concerned, all that change I have been winning is liable to weigh so much it will cut down our fuel efficiency. There isn't much room for it to get less. LOL. 7 days left here, but who's counting :-(
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
The other day
March 22nd
Kind of a miserable day yesterday. It rained off & on all day and the temperature never got about about 55F. Most people just stayed indoors and that was pretty much our day. We did go out to Costco, then stopped at a sporting goods store and had lunch at Appleby's. I guess the rain is needed, but we don't have to like it ;>) Got back in time to play some pool with a couple of real characters & we had lots of laughs. Much better day today, although not hot it was a pleasant day. I think we must have been in the mid-70's, just nice. The rain caused a real mess and the motorhome was covered with a combination of the red sand & water. It was all spotted, so I washed the roof, then the awnings and sides. By the time I was done, I was soaked to the skin, LOL. We were looking for a few things today, so we went to Chandler [28 miles from here] to find a Nordstroms dept store, where Marg heard they carried the brand we sought. It was a first for me and now I know why, they're a little pricey. I never saw a shirt under $100, in fact I saw a t-shirt for $135, other shirts for as much as $200 & $600 shoes. Not everyone is living on a pension - LOL! There was also an outlet type mall there and Marg said it was her best shopping day this winter, i.e: she has a new favourite store. It included a second Nordstoms - an outlet. Had lunch at a micro brewery called BJ's and both the food and beer were excellent. So busy I never played pool today.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
March 19th
Thursday, 17 March 2011
St Patrick's day
Another warm one, 95F in the shade and there isn't any - LOL. It would be hard to describe this heat, you have to experience it. Yet a night it cools right down, almost to a chilly level. Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone who sent them on FB. Busy day, Marg running around for some stuff for a party, me I played pool in the inter-park tourney. We got beat pretty soundly today at Mountain View, I think we won 6 or 7 games of the 18. May partner & I won 2 of 3 and tha was our best effort. Told the association pres & vp that we needed money to invest in pool lessons for our players - alas I don't think they took me seriously. For dinner we went to the corned beef & cabbage dinner in the hall. It was great, the food was good and plentiful and there were over 100 people in attendance. The desert, although simple, was great. Vanilla ice cream with green creme de menthe to pour over it - yum. Pretty funny because Ron announced my birthday and they all sang, then he asked me to share an Irish story. I told the one about the Irishman drowning in a vat while working at the brewery in spite of being pulled out 3 times & got a laugh. After supper Marg had invited a bunch over for cake & an apertif which lasted about 3 hours. They gave me some funny cards and we swapped lies and shared lots of laughs. Oh yeh, some more yellow chicks, that may well be my legacy - LOL. The cakes were unique, she found them at some Mexican shop bakery in Mesa & everyone raved how good they were & they all wanted to know where the shop was.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
March 16th
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Saguaro Lake
Monday, 14 March 2011
Monday - Mar 14th
Sunday Mar 13th
Another sunny day in AJ, temperatures were in the 80's. Went out to Mickey D's for breakfast. Marg had an omelet & I had the french toast, not as good as Marg makes, but it was good. Stopped at Ace hardware on the way home to look for some hardware to make a repair, they have an awesome selection. No success, so will try another tomorrow. Marg did laundry, but had to wait until evening to steam it because of the mid-day heat. Stopped at Walmart for a few things. Interesting phenomenon here, but the handicap stalls are the first to fill up and there are never any spare power chairs [or whatever you call them] because of the senior crowd. I spent part of the afternoon in Bob's office. He has a covered breezeway and it is kind of a gathering spot for guys to swap lies. Both he & Rita have hummingbird feeders and get them all the time. Before we go, I have to take the camera over and get some pics of the little guys at the feeder. Shrimps on the barbie for supper tonight, rice in the rice cooker. Very nice. After supper we had our last ice cream social. Kenny & Doris did a little thank you presentation to each of the crew and gave a little explanation of the logic to each. They gave Marg a hula hoop & told the crowd it she was because she was a hula hoop champ in an earlier life. Me they gave a little yellow easter chick & explained it was because of the accident I had when I was younger. For those who don't know, I hit a car that had been at the hatchery & when the door opened, the chicks came streaming out into traffic. Anyway we had a free night and gave out all the remaining ice cream & cake. We had enough accessories to make sundaes & whipped cream, syrup, etc. to add some zest to the dish. We had about 60 or 70 and heard comments that it was a shame this was the last one. That's a good thing, leave them wanting more. It's hard to believe we are only 2 weeks away from going home & a lot of the activities this week and next will be because of the Arizona exodus at the end of March.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Nice day, about 86F/30C. Went to the airconditioned mall to see if my glasses are ready. That's a pun - hah! Probably Mon or Tues. Marg drove, although she doesn't drive a lot of places out of AJ, she had no trouble getting to the big mall. Kind of like a homing instinct, other migrating birds have - get it - snowbirds? Got some new shorts, wear them so much down here that they are wearing out. Marg got a new purse, pretty major decision for her, I think that makes the 3rd one [both major decision & purse] since arriving here. Lots of sales on right now. I think they are trying to make certain the snowbirds don't leave with any loose change, LOL. Lunch was at Barro, nice pizza. Picked up a few other things we need, including a nice 15 yr single malt that was aged in oak, very nice. BTW, yesterday we saw a new golf cart all tricked out for the rural crowd, the green ones anyway. It could work for the Irish on St Paddy's day as well. After we got back to the park, we had cocktails over at Pat & Diane's. They are the Saskatchewan couple whose kitchen team we are on. It's kind of a standing joke about who is the leader on the kitchen team, we know it isn't us though. Too many appetizers, so we had a light dinner, rushed I might add as we had to hustle to make cards. Played some golf & 31 with Ron & Sue. Don't laugh we play for quarters & that is big stakes down here. I believe we came out on the short end, but it was fun. Too busy to even play pool today. This retirement can be hectic, note to self - need to slow down .
Friday, 11 March 2011
Friday, Mar 11th
Another hot one, I think it must have been about 90F today, but never really checked. Went to the flea market in Mesa to exchange my pocket books and bought additional ones from another dealer. Selection not as good today, they seem to be working their inventory down. Also saw some sales, like 25% off in some booths, we have heard they really wind it down at the end of March and that seems to be what is happpening. By the middle of the morning it was getting too hot to do too much, so we came back to the park for lunch. I played some pool and Marg hung out in the pool with others in the park. She said the temperature in the swimming pool was in the high 80's, almost too warm, but it was relaxing. Margie Greschener & Trevor stopped in for a visit, he is down for a winter break with grandma. Nice to see a young man like that make time for his grandmother. They were off to Tortilla Flats for some sight seeing and an ice cream. BBQ for supper tonight. It was so hot we had the A/C on in the motorhome for supper. Need to go for bottled water tomorrow, with this heat we go through a half a dozen bottles a day. Visited our way around the park after supper, hard to walk very far without stopping - LOL.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Hot child in the City
Monday, 7 March 2011
Just across from the museum at Davis Monahan field is the famous aircraft boneyard. Aircraft are sent here either for parts salvage, for storage, or resale. The number of aircraft is amazing, something like 4,600 military aircraft & a few civilian ones. There was an entire field of Hercules and big areas of: fighters, refuelers, bombers, trainers, helicopters, etc. The B-1's are impressive, built at a cost of $385 million each. The B-52's both for storage & salvage. The row upon row of fighters at about $25-$30 million each. The tour guide said the parts inventory was valued at $5Billion.
Tucson - Pima Air Space Museum
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Hot Sunday
Well we finally broke 80, in fact 82F/28C today & sunny. Went to the big sporting goods store down by the mall & got a few things, among them a chipper. Will see if that helps on Wednesday in an area where I tend to take a lot of strokes. Went to a neat diner for lunch called the 5 & Diner, but alas forgot to take the camera. It is very deja-vu in a 60's atmosphere, complete with chrome chairs stools, juke box selectors at the counter & music from the era playing. The waitresses were in period dresses, they even had an old Ford truck out front, just like the old red '58 we had when the kids were small. We sat at the lunch counter and had a great lunch. After we went back to Camping World to pick up a bike rack for the ladder on the back of the RV. Really wishing we had brought bicycles, will fix that next year with this nifty little item. BBQ some steaks for supper with baked potatoes. Ice cream social tonight, so we were scooping & serving as usual. Banana splits were the special, so Marg & the ladies were very busy adding the strawberries, chocolate sauce, pineapple, whipped cream & cherry. Entertainment tonight with the Minnesotians [something like that] played after ice cream, some real old stuff - not just the guys, LOL. Almost like the music we were accustomed to at Ukrainian weddings, so before leaving Marg & I danced a polka. Man am I out of shape, thought I was going to have the big one. Fun day.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Saturday Mar 6th
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