What a great day, sunny & hot. Had to work today, yes you heard correct, so no golf today. One of the boards I sit on met today and they arranged for me to participate via conference call from Phoenix. Had to drive in to the Stantec office for 9AM. You Canucks changed your time on Sunday & Az never, so my 10AM meeting in Edm was an hour earlier here. Very successful outcome of our first phase on the project that will provide housing opportunities for over 2,000 people. In the process I got to drive in the bumper to bumper X 4-6 lanes at 65mph for 40 miles into Phoenix. In the morning Marg got together with her pool group and spent some time in the old swimmin' hole. Later she cleaned the motorhome, it seems to be dusty all the time around here. Got back after lunch in time for pool & played with some fun guys. After we went for supper with Ron & Sue at Los Gringos Loco, good meal. Marg had to run out after for a few essentials while I stayed at the park and played poker. Made about $3 tonight, that makes about 4 consecutive weeks with a win. Good bunch that we play with and it is just nickles & dimes, but we have lots of laughs. I think they are on to my bluffing as I got caught about 4 times tonight. I thought it was hot just after noon, so took a pic of the temp, but when we went out for dinner thought I would take a pic of the readout on the car. Put them on here so you can see how hot it is. They sell lots of shirts down here with a pic of a skeleton in the desert & a saying like - But its a Dry Heat. BTW 98F is about 37C.
Hope it stayed warm for your birthday... Our clocks haven't changed yet either. Hope you took the day off for your birthday. X