Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Tuesday, Jan 23rd

The weather is really starting to warm up and the day started a bit more pleasant.
  After a bite to eat and coffee we decided to go out for a bit.  We went to Home Depot looking at driveway coatings as ours has a large rust stain in one area and some vehicle dripping stain in another.  The stains are very old, so well set in the concrete and we would like to get rid of the outdoor carpet we are using.  The fellow we dealt with seemed very knowledgeable and gave us a range of options.  The best is naturally the most expensive, a kind of coating.  The middle of the road is a concrete stain and then there is paint.  We know that we don't want to paint and the coating is about 10 times the cost of the stain.  We have decided to wait until either the end of our stay or the start of it next year.  One of our biggest concerns is the prep work and ultimately the covering will require everything be taken off of the driveway, and there is lots of stuff.  Then we went to an RV place that deals in carports and privacy screens as well as trailer parts.  We are thinking of putting something across the back of the Az room to block some of the wind that comes through there.  It is quite pricey so we went to a place that deals in recovered or salvaged stuff from trailers and such, but they had nothing suitable.
  Well, so far the day hasn't cost me anything, so we went to the Superstition Ranch market.  That is where Marg gets most of her vegetables and fruit.  Without a word of a lie we came away with all we could carry for about $10.  While going in I stopped at a guy who is selling subscriptions to the local paper.  Usually we get the paper, it's a great source of coupons.  LOL  In fact the guy gave us a huge coupon book just for taking the subscription.  You can't beat the price, it was $18 for two months delivered to the door.  The TV guide was another $4.  The only catch to it is that it is intended to be an introductory offer that becomes a regular subscription, so I have to phone and cancel it before the 20th of the month, so I need to remember March 15th or so to call and cancel it.  We have done this for a few years now and it has worked well.  In the way out I joked with the young guy that he cost more than all the produce we bought, which included a 10 pound bag of spuds and a 5 pound bag of oranges in addition to all the vegetables.
  Back home for tuna sandwiches and then Marg went out for some retail therapy.  Unfortunately the road to the center she was going to had been blocked off, so she had to divert to the freeway.  She made out fine and just went west to the next exit and made her way back, even finding Hobby Lobby and a few other alternatives.
  Me I went to play pool this afternoon.  There were quite a few guys there and we had a good time.  My game was quite a bit better today and that is when they fear me.  LOL
  Supper was the left over stew and then we went to bingo.  That was not a successful, but as all the losers say - we were close, just needed one number several times.  A couple of the Gamblin Gals were winners tonight, but not the right one, LOL.  We are getting a new bingo machine; with any luck it will be better to us.  They asked me to take a few pictures of the old one before it goes, so that will be next weeks project. 


  1. The market sounds just amazing! x

  2. So nice to get the fresh vegetables! Hoping the new bingo machine brings you good luck as well!
