We were both up at a reasonably early hour [well for us anyway] as we both had commitments. It was golf day for the park at Apache Sun and Marg was going with the gamblin' gals to the Fort. By the time we got out and about, it was starting to warm up.
Gerry got here in good time and we left at our regular 8 AM. The road was clear and the school zones were not in effect, so it must be spring break here. We made it to the course in good time and ended up playing with the organizers, so were in the last foursome. Gerry is pretty much getting over his pneumonia and played well. I had a decent game, but the putter wasn't working as well. How bad is that, well on #3, I putted for a bird, then a par and settled for a bogie. It was a 4 turtle day, very ominous and just when I thought we beat them, Terry put her drive in water. She claimed I jinxed her. Then on #6 her husband Gary put two balls in the water. I knew it would be bad, never having seen 4 turtles before. All in all a great game.
Marg did well at the Fort, came away only losing $10, so that's like winning. I think she had big expectations after winning at the hall last night, but alas did not break the bank up there. Sounded like the girls had a great time and they came back all smiles, so that was perfect.
After finishing the drawer project I went to happy hour. Marg and the gals showed up shortly after, as the driveway where we gather is Nancy's [aka one of the gamblin gals]. Shortly after it was time for supper, pulled pork at the old homestead. After supper is was cake building time for Marg. She needed on to take to the ladies tea tomorrow. Get this she is wearing a hat tomorrow, now there is a first. I went to play poker, we had a full table. I have been on a losing streak, but really turned it around tonight and came home with a full bag of change. Must sign off, busy day tomorrow.
We need a photo if the hat tomorrow x