Saturday, 7 March 2015

March 7th

What a great morning, the sun shone and although we had some wind, it was warm first thing in the morning.  One of us went to breakfast in the rec center and had pancakes, french toast, eggs, bacon; while the other stayed home and had coffee.  You guess who did which, LOL!
  After breakfast, Marg had a list of park sales she wanted to go to.  Using the GPS we even managed to find all of them.  I never bought anything, but she found a really neat teapot.  It's an older style, almost like the ones in Alice in Wonderland and it has a music box thing under it that plays when you pick it up.  Guess the tune - - -  well if you guessed "Tea for Two", you are a winner.  That was pretty much our morning.
  After lunch we went out to Costco.  We really have not been there all that much this year, as they accept on Amex cards and the Canadian Costco membership has changed to MasterCard.  Marg picked up a few things, among them a huge beach towel. I can only guess who will be the first bather using it, take a guess who -- Miss Katy. 
  She also picked up a broccoli salad for the fish fry we went to in the afternoon.  A couple from Montana supplied the fish [Northern, they call it.  Pike or jack we call it].  Amazingly it was boneless.  There was deep fried onion rings, hush puppies [corn dodgers], fries, salads, you name it and deserts to die for.  It was very good and the company was great.

 Smitty's specialty, dutch oven deserts.  The sauce is a bourbon sauce for the apple pie-like desert, the other was cherry pie. Yummy! 

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