Went for a bike ride in the morning, although the wind was likely the strongest we have rode in. One of our group returned back to the park after a few blocks. I made it down to Idaho and back to Desert View, but that was all I could handle, so returned. The other two made a better showing, but for me just over 4 miles was it. A great workout anyway with the wind being that much more of a challenge.
Marg went to Fry's for groceries and was gone quite a while. She came back with the back seat pretty much full, so we will be OK for food. Apparently there were some great deals that she was able to take advantage of, so it was a good day.
After lunch I went and re-wired the neighbour's tow dolly. He is getting ready to leave and apparently had cut a corner too sharp and pulled the wires apart. Kind of surprised me as he is a mechanic and was having trouble with it. I have done so many trailer plugs that it is almost second nature, glad to be able to help.
After the big show we had some company for a bit and then went out for dinner. There were six of us for dinner and we went to a German place, Wild Berry Diner, where they had a fish special. I thought it was fine, but it seems to have gotten mixed reviews, so is not likely a place we will re-visit anytime soon. On the way back we stopped at the car show and there was some really nice iron there. It was the same show as Darryl & Rita took their Kenworth and Smart car to show at. A real trip down memory lane.
Got back in time for the animal races. There was a small but enthusiastic bunch ready to hoop and holler. We had lots of laughs [as usual] and the elephant won [well once]. Marg & I both had good fortune with our selections, winning 5 of the 8 races [not always the same ones].
Neat piccys x