Wednesday, 11 February 2015


  Well another great day in the valley of the sun.
  Got off to a good start and went out to Apache Sun to play 9 holes with the group from the rv park.  It was sunny and the course was in great shape.  Managed to make it through the round without losing a ball.  This was a result of some luck on the second hole where a poorly hit drive ended up getting a members bounce and I ended up with a par on the hole.  Someone was smiling on me.  Ended with a good score that equaled my best nine this winter, so far.
  Marg was also up early and got the laundry loaded in the back of the rhino.  She was fortunate enough to get 3 machines and the dryers were available as well, so got through in record time.  With all this good fortune, she was able to make it to water aerobics [splash & thrash] to take part.  To do this she wore clothes over her bathing suit, so when she got to the pool, the ladies asked if she was going to change so she could participate.  She started taking her over-clothes off and with some kidding around she was performing a strip tease to a bunch of applause from the gals in the pool.  She had a good workout and drove the rhino to and from there as well.
  While Marg was getting our lunch I had a call from Elmo.  He had a bunch of pictures from the Az Opry and ran in to a glitch posting them on the tenants assoc. FB site.  Went over to sit with him and walk through the process again and he realized success getting all of his pictures on the site.  He had some good pics and I suggested he tag them, which brought up another question.  After walking through the process, he was very happy, having accomplished what he wanted.
  After lunch I took the rhino to meet up with Gary.  They built a walking track in the park and he has had lots of questions from the users about the length, so asked if my machine had an odometer.  Anyway I picked him up and we did a lap, then decided to continue on until we had a mile, then to see how far 4 laps was.  I had set the trip odometer and 4 laps was 1.8 km.  This presented a dilemna for Gary as they don't do metric here and I had to convert it for him.  Then he showed me the sign he has to put up and I ended up volunteering to make the sign on paper so he can laminate and install it.  Another task in the job jar.
  While I was away lining up the details for tomorrow's golf game, Marg had visitors.  Carol next door came over and they are leaving on the weekend.  She offered her driveway and carport for us to park under.  Jerry B is already parking his trailer with the quad in it there and he had already discussed putting mine there as well.  Will probably do it and save the parking charges I am paying in the storage lot.  It will be nice to have it handy where I can keep an eye on it.
  All this time Marg was steaming the laundry.  She managed to give herself a nasty burn on one hand with the steam, but got it done.  She always has a few people stop in to check the process out, and generally converts a few from irons to this process. 
  We made it to happy hour and there were a lot fewer people, so it we had a nice visit.  The gamblin' gals went today and she never went with them, but they showed up about half way through happy.
  Bbq'ed a steak for supper.  Marg made baked potatoes and brussel sprouts for a vegetable.  They were good, but it was unusual, as these generally only show up at thanksgiving and Christmas at home.  While this was going on Kenny & Doris stopped by, they were on their way to buy lottery tickets, so Marg gave them money to buy us a Powerball lottery ticket, the jackpot tonight was $450 million.  Now that would be a life changer!
  I went to play poker tonight.  We had 7 players, well if you count me a player.  I felt more like a donor, again.  I guess Kenny & Doris stopped by to drop the tickets off and ended up staying for a visit.
NEWS FLASH -- Marg checked the numbers and we may have a winner, although in a small way, but even if we get enough to play again, it's all good.

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