After breakfast I took the truck in for an oil change. The place I went has done the car and motorhome in the past, but this was the first time with the truck. I wanted synthetic oil because I am pulling the trailer home, so it will be working on the way home. For this reason I had to go purchase the oil and filter myself, which I got at O'Reilly's for $34 [5 qts]. They offer an oil and filter package deal, so that was the reason I went there. Patriots offer an $18 oil and filter change, but I only wanted them to do the change, so they charged me $10 for bringing in my own stuff. Works out to be a great deal for a change with synthetic oil anyway.
Went to one sale where the guy was selling the peach faced love birds. He had a few dozen of them and they were $50 each or 2 for $80. The picture is a wild one that was at Nancy's bird feeder, there have been quite a few around here. When I mentioned this to the guy, he said he has lost several over the years and they do just fine in this climate. Apparently they are really easy to train and he has one that rides around on this shoulder. No, never bought one.
We went to a couple of park-wide sales, the first one never had much we were interested in, but I did buy a pocket knife. A weakness I have as I have so many of these that I cannot justify one. At the second sale Marg found some things that I only then found out we needed. One was a big bowl for doing big bowl things, some glasses that she tells me will be ideal for scotch, oh yes I got 3 pocket books. You are no doubt getting the picture.
When we got back we took Darryl to Lowes for a sheet of plywood and Marg got a quart of stain. Darryl is from GP and wants to make some changes in his 5th wheel, but couldn't haul it in his Smart car. He has a cool set up, pulls the Smart car onto the deck on his Kenworth, then pins on to his 5th wheel, pretty slick set up. Marg is going to stain the wood bench she got from Miranda as it is quite weathered.
By then it was pretty much happy hour, so we went for the obligatory one. Marg had a bunch of coupon books that Gerry C gave her, so she offered them to the gals at happy. They are for various things in Laughlin and I think she gave away all but two books, seems a bunch of our friends are looking to make a road trip there.
Supper was Ihop, Marg must be trying to get on my good side, LOL. I had something radically different as I almost always have the 2x2x2, but tonight had a Fajita omelet with rye bread toast, it was great, very filling and I couldn't finish it. Marg had the all you can eat fish and chips. She said the fish was great, but again very filling, so she was not able to do justice to the all you can eat part of the deal.
A good time was had by all. Got to sign off so I can fill out the online customer satisfaction survey with Ihop so I can get free pancakes, LOL.
Katie's big ask this year for Christmas was a pocket knife as she wanted one to carry with her at the yard when she and Cath are sorting out all these animals so Phil gave her one of his old ones lol x