Saturday, 21 February 2015

Saturday, Feb 21st

  A nice sunny warm day, enjoy as it is probably the last one this warm for a week or more.
  Got out to the park breakfast this AM.  It was the Canadian team that cooked, they do a corned beef hash option, not sure what part of Canada that comes from, but I have not seen it at home.  I had bacon, eggs & pancakes, I like corned beef, but not at breakfast.
  After Marg & I picked up the Bingers and we went to check out yard sales.  After about 2 hours of it they had a few small things, but no big success story.  It was funny as we were coming across people from the park pretty regular and the gals touched lots of stuff even if they never bought much.  Then we went to a park that had a car show combined with their sale.  Some really cool cars, so Jerry & I spent most of our time looking them over.  For me one of the highlights was a 57 Pontiac [my first car was a 58], some real nice T buckets, a great 51 Ford convert & some really nice interiors, unique gauges.  I wandered over to the sale stuff and picked up some golf cart tires.  When I asked the guy how much, he said $10, each I said, no you have to take all 5 he said.  We want this stuff out of here.  So I bought 5, but 2 of them are bald as a babies bum.  They will likely be OK as spares or for the rims.  With the two I previously bought that makes too many, so will keep the best of them.
  We got back to the park just before lunch and had a sandwich on the patio.  Did a bit of visiting around the park, that's easy to do.  Along the ways stopped to supervise a flower bed planting.  It seems Judy bought some ornaments and plants with her big win at the casino.  Every public works job needs supervision and being the only retired municipal employee, was probably the best qualified to supervise.  LOL  Marg still had some coupons for Laughlin and Sue indicated her and Ron were going there next week, so gave them the coupons.  Just glad to see them getting used.
  Supper was a bbq.  Marg got some new sauce that we tried out and it was great.  We ate a little to hearty, so went out for a walk around the park to settle it down.  On the way we saw the planet Mars in the night sky.  It was really bright tonight, very cool.

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