Friday 13 February 2015

Friday, Feb 13th

A day that always gathers mixed reactions, Friday the 13th.  That aside it was a great day in the valley of the sun.
  Went for a bike ride with the guys this morning, but the wind blew hard again, so you guessed it; we went the short route.  There were only 3 of us this AM and we made about 5 miles.  That still took about an hour as we stopped for a breather half way.  The route we take is uphill for the first couple of miles and with the wind in our face, it was tough going, all the way to Idaho rd.
  After we got back I chatted a few guys up and Marg went to water aerobics.  It was a great day for it and the pool was very pleasant, so they had a great day.  They have tapes and it takes them through the routines so they get a good workout.
  When she got back we went to a yard sale that I saw while on the bike ride.  It was an estate sale and there were lots of cars there, so figured it must be a good one.  She took to it in power shopping mode and found a few things that appealed, so picked them up.  There was a pitcher for cool aid [I guess, that was what mom used one for], some pinking shears [for someone who doesn't sew], a bowl, an old peanut jar, etc.  She thought the peanut jar was antique, but I think the plastic ring around the lid is an indication it isn't all that old.  Me I found absolutely nothing of interest, which is often the case. On the way back we saw another sale and stopped in as they had a bunch of Elvis stuff.  As it turned out that wasn't all that attractive, but she did find a piece of petrified wood that she picked up.  The guy was selling it by the pound, but after weighing it [34 lbs.] she was able to get a better deal because it was heavier than he estimated.  It was probably the first rock he has sold in a month of Sundays as well!  It's sitting in the flower bed out front, but I think it may go home with us.
  After lunch Larry stopped by with his wagon.  He has a little old wagon with a wooden box and it was falling apart.  We repaired the sides, put a new floor in it and fixed the seat.  It's pretty old, you know steel wheels and all.  He plans to fix it up so Nancy can use it to hold potted plants in their flower bed.  Will try to remember to get a picture tomorrow as it is pretty neat.  It's their place where most happy hours are and he really never asks anything of anyone, so when he asked, it was a given that I would help.
  We went out to pay the Mediacom bill and stopped on the way back so I could go to Ace hardware for some bolts for the wagon.  Marg went in to Bells where she was able to get a couple of tops, so was pretty happy.  The real reason we went is our bank is in the same square and we needed cash.  I used my debit card as I hadn't tired it since they replaced it.  They had cancelled it on me because I had never used it before, a problem Marg has never had with hers.  LOL
   We got back in time for happy hour.  The group was a bit smaller today, as there seem to be a few people with colds and such around the park, so it was a good thing they stayed away.  Supper tonight was leftovers from the chicken pot pie and then a quiet night in front of the tube for us.

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