Monday, 26 January 2015

January 26th

Hello from Super Bowl XLIX headquarters.  That is most of what we see on the media these days, as the big game is now only a week away.  Tickets are in the $3,000 price range, seems incredible.  With the snow storms in the east I wonder if there are people who may not be able to get here.  Now that would be a shame.
  It was cloudy, but a very nice day.  I get centigrade readings on the truck even when I change the speedo to mph and I think I saw 20 or 21 today.  Still short pants weather, no matter which it was and no coats.  Went for a ride with the guys on the bikes this AM.  Only 3 of us until Pat got some stuff sorted and then he caught up to us.  I cut off before the long ride and made about 7 1/2 miles today.  That was plenty as the return was into the wind and that always makes for a tough finish.
  When I got back, Marg had a cinnamon pull-apart bun pan made.  They were just out of the oven and still warm.  What a great surprise and good way to start the day. She must be getting the oven figured out pretty good as there were no signs of anything being too dark.
  We went out looking for insurance agents as our policy renewal for the park model came and they wanted a premium increase.  The agent we were using was supposed to be noted for good pricing, but the first place I stopped on the Trail, they gave me a rate that was $60 less.  When I told the guys that directed me there, they all said they would be going to check out the new agent.  Anyway tomorrow will have to cancel out the old and sign up for the new.
  After we went out to look at some building material recycle places that I had found on the internet.  One is run by Habitat and the other seemed a private operation and it was the better of the two.  I was looking for drawers and doors.  No luck on the doors, but found a vanity that had doors that would be fine for our needs.  Well I thought they would be, but the one side measured perfect and I never thought to compare them to the other side, which was wider drawers.  Arghhh!  Anyway I will just have to cut them down.  The vanity was a real good deal as they wanted to make some room in the store.  Pretty funny as the price I paid was the equivalent of what they sold 2 drawers for and said to the guy I only wanted the drawers.  To which the guy said he should have just taken out the drawers and thrown the vanity away, so would not let me just leave the vanity there.  LOL.  On the doors, I think I will be just buying a sheet of MDF and making them.
  Got back in time to rip it apart and salvage what I need.  The rest I tore down and put in the dumpster bins.  Now I am half way there, just need to get some time to modify them to fit and then Marg will paint them to match the cupboards.  Pretty optimistic as the drawers now are a real mess and won't even make good firewood.
  Went to happy hour to catch up on the news.  There was a bit of concern with one couple in the group who had gone away for a few days without saying anything.  Being in a geriatric group, the speculation immediately goes to health and while that seems to be what it was, it was not a major item.  We also heard about another long term resident here who received bad news from a doctor visit today and has not long left.  That is the unfortunate part of being with retirees, so live it up while you are here is my take-away on that.

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