Saturday, 10 January 2015

January 10th

Where do the days go, we have been here over a month?  Hard to believe how quickly time is passing us by.
  It was a cloudy day and we had a few drops of rain throughout the day, but it never really rained.  The forecast said Apache Junction was one of the areas most likely to see rain, but it never really happened. 
  Got up early and went to breakfast this AM.  Pancakes, bacon, eggs; by now you know the drill for Saturday mornings.  Sat with the usual bunch, really get in to habits here, but then again that is human nature.  I used to see that when I would go to a conference.  People would take a seat the first morning and then treat it like they owned it.  I used to move around to try and meet different people, but that was not all that common.  Same thing here, I suppose it could be seen as a bit clique-y but on the other hand, I suppose it is simply hanging out with the people whose company you enjoy.  Sometimes we need to be mindful that this is an RV park and people come and go.  After I got past the razzing about missing the animal races - the elephant won the first race, we got in to the gossip part.  It seems another park model has come available for sale this week and the one our friends were dealing on, they backed away, so it is still for sale.
  After breakfast I took out the skirting around the HVAC unit as the service guys were coming today.  They showed up after lunch as scheduled and pulled the unit out again.  It seems some critter had been lunching on some of the wiring and the automated controller was too sensitive to low voltage.  The combination of no wire insulation and sensitivity created confusion for the controllers, with the controller getting some signal, thus the AC compressor starting up.  He put in some other controllers, not the automated ones and they worked fine.  Taped up the wires put it together and we have a fully functioning unit.  Then he presented me with the bill, which was pleasant surprise.  These controllers were cheaper and he only charged me 1 1/2 hrs labour. I told him he quoted me 2 hours, so I am prepared to pay that, but he insisted this was fine.  Total for parts and labour was about $163, a bargain.  Marg gave them each a tip as they wouldn't even have a water or coffee.  We are well satisfied.  Turned out my old thermostat was fine and was re-installed.  We took the new one back to Lowes where we were given a no hassle refund.  This all worked out well as we have a fully functioning unit well beyond what we thought we had.
  Went to work on the Az room this AM after breakfast.  Put in the carpet and the baseboards.  It went together pretty well, although I still have a bit of an issue with the door threshold.  After we assembled the bed and Marg made it up.  You may have seen the pics on fb, it looks fine and she is happy.
  By then it was time to go out for dinner.  We had arranged to take Lynette out for dinner, she is one of Marg's buddies, one of the gamblin' gals.  She lost her husband Bud last spring and we wanted to do this instead of sending flowers.  She had heard from her grandson that Ihop was a great place, but had never been, so we took her there.  As it turns out, Kenny & Doris were visiting and we asked them if they were interested and they ended up joining us.  Kenny & I always have the 2 by 2 by 2 and the gals eat all kinds of other things.  That gave me pancakes twice today, now that is a good day.  We also told Lynette that was not what we had in mind when we said dinner, so we will take her to a nicer place and that this wasn't her dinner.  A little like the big salad episode of Seinfeld, LOL.  They were good company and we had lots of laughs tonight.
  Dinner was good and after we stopped at Hobby Lobby.  Marg & I had never been there and now I know why.  Marg bought a small table she will use as a bedside table in the Az room.  It was new but was beat up to look like she got it in, well let me say it looks like it could have fallen off the truck.  Anyway that seems to be the trend - shabby sheik.  She also bought a lamp, it was in nice shape, it looks and is new.  It looked kind of out of place at first, but I think it is fine and the table gets hidden well enough by the bed that it's likely OK.
  The weather is supposed to get rainy either tomorrow or Monday.  Kind of hope it passes before Tuesday as we are planning a day trip in the desert.  We will see I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Shabby Sheik has been around a while remember my house in GP lol x
