Back to the RV park for lunch, but was in for a surprise - no one there to make lunch! Kenny came by & told me Marg was at the park model they just bought helping Doris clean the place. It was a trap, I went over there & he got me to help him fix his patio door. We had to take it apart and put new wheels on it, worked perfect after the repair. Marg went back to our unit and fortunately came back with sandwiches which were accompanied by a beer from Kenny's fridge. Things were definitely starting to look up.
Pretty much missed pool this afternoon, but did manage to get in 2 games. Nice stir fry for supper accompanied by apple pie & ice cream. Oh yeh, a wee dram before supper from a nice 15 yr Dalwhinnie. Wow things are really looking up.
A toast to the old bard - "She is a winsome wee thing. She is a handsome wee thing. She is a bonny wee thing, This swee wife o'mine." Happy Robbie Burns Day, a day when everyone is Celtic.
Finished off the day with poker with the guys. Took over an hour before I even won a hand, but managed to win most but not all of my early investment back. Marg did the laundry thing this evening & while it looked like a lot of fun, I had my social obligation to go and donate at the poker table.
Happy Rabbie Burns! Phil had the whiskey and haggis... I had a sip, but wouldn't touch the haggis... Glad the sandals worked well... Beware of the cacti! xx