Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Tuesday Jan 24

Wow 3 weeks already in AJ, hard to believe. Nice sunny day, warm but not hot. Jerry stopped by to ask for computer advice, now that shows you how desparate he was, asking me for computer advice. Actually it was just about how to put stuff in a Word document, so not too complicated.
Put the propane card in the window today as Az propane was in the park and got a fill. Pretty cool, it saves the need to pack everything up and move the rv - $3.75/gal .
Played pool after lunch for a while & then we went out to find some decorative wood for our flower bed. Its actually a dried out old Joshusa tree & when the bark is off it looks sort of like lattice work. While out looking around in the brush, there are all kinds of things you have to wary off, including critters. Getting back to the car, my foot felt kind of like it was being scratched. When I looked down at my running shoe, I saw a Jumping Cholla [a form of spiny cactus] was sticking in my shoe & one of the points went right through, scratching my foot. I never stepped on it, rather it sprang away from the plant and imbedded in my shoe, nasty little plant. It's actually a cluster of spikes. You need to be careful when removing it, so that you don't stick your hand with it, as that usually means a trip to a hospital. It sticks in something like a porcupine quill & the needle sharp spikes are about 4/5 cm long.
Supper tonight was at IHop. We used one of the coupons in the book we got at the Chamber, so taxes included, supper was $13. Ahh the life of a coupon clipping senior. LOL
Went to bingo with Marg tonight. I am under a lot of pressure to go until the super ball jackpot is won. Anyway we both won - life is good; we are bucks ahead today.

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