Monday, 23 January 2012


Well the start of another work week; wait a minute, work - that's a 4 letter word isn't it? Nicer day, so I went for a long bike ride this AM. Road to Idaho, it's pretty much uphill all the way there, but pretty easy pedaling on the way back. Went to the bathroom when I got back & surprise - there was a scorpion strutting his stuff in there. This is the first one I have seen in the park, so I called Elmer over to have a look at it. He wasn't as impressed & stepped on it - LOL. I think it was pretty good size, as they go; probably 2 inches long. Looks just like a mini-lobster with pincers & all. He didn't seem happy, as he had his tail raised right up with the stinger ready to go. Anyway he now resides in the trash can. Played pool after lunch. The guys I played with were lots of fun today. Marg went to show Mary how her steamer works. While she was doing that [in the laundry room], Pat came along with a couple of Jerry's shirts, saying she hated ironing them and wanted a demo of how it worked. I personally think it was like a Tom Sawyer routine - show me how it works and they get their work done - LOL! After supper Marg went with Sue to Frys and got some good deals, the fresh strawberries were outstanding.

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