Tuesday 26 February 2019

Tuesday, Feb 26th

A great day, well except in the early morning when I went for a bike ride.  There were only two of us again, so we went west from the park.  I left with some trepidation knowing the return trip would be uphill into the wind.  We made about 8 miles and my legs were saying enough already about a mile from home.  It was certainly a good workout.
  When I got home Marg was doing housework.  The lady next door has a very ill cat and Marg chatted with the lady helping the neighbour give it medications.  I went over to Kenny's where we loaded the tables and chairs in his truck and took them back to the clubhouse.  While we were doing it another fellow in the park stopped by to give a hand, doesn't even surprise me when that happens in this park.  I was glad he did as Kenny doesn't need to be packing them around.
  Lunch today was French Toast made with a fresh loaf that Marg had sliced at the bakery.  It was very nice, always is.  We have this understanding that any time any meal French toast is a great idea.
  After lunch Marg wanted to get a few things.  When she asked it I was playing pool or would like to go along, I said if she went to Basha's I would go along.  When we got there I went to Harbor Freight where I got a file, masking tape, plastic gloves and a free pack of micro fiber cloths.  When I met up with her at Basha she was at the check out.  We stopped in at Big 5 sporting goods, I wanted to look at air pistols, but none appealed to me.  I did get a bore light for a very good price.  I have been messing around with mine for a long time as it just doesn't work when I need it.  On the way back I stopped at the Superstition Ranch market where I bought a bag of fresh oranges for $1.50.  They are great oranges, so juicy and tasty.  We never get oranges this nice at home.
  When we got back, as we were driving in to the park we noticed the Canadian flag is getting a little tattered.  As luck would have it, I have a new one in the trailer, so will replace it as soon as I get a moment.  I was going to do it when we got back, but the guy across the road was putting drywall [sheet rock they call it here] in his new shed and they were struggling with it on the ceiling.  They are both short, so had to work off ladders even though it was not that tall.  I was able to lift it to the ceiling beam and he got it screwed in place.
  A couple of visitors stopped by and we got updates on some friends who are having problems.  He was making a  U turn [they are legal here] and he was hit by a large truck.  The poor guy has a broken back [had it prior to the accident], was scheduled for surgery and now he has missed it, so will have to be rescheduled.  The insurance company are giving him a run-around and they wanted to know where the local police station is.  Now why would they think I would know, but I did.
  Happy hour was at Blanke's tonight and again a smaller crowd, so we had a bit of fun.  Mostly just kidding around.  I was telling a couple guys about the oranges and one said "Oh yes, they are 2 bags for $5 aren't they?"  I said they were but i only bought one bag so it was $1.50, which started a funny conversation.  The guy said I bet the bag was $2.50, well the long and short of it was he really wasn't prepared to bet.  Later I took the receipt to bingo to show him, but not believing me he asked Marg if we bought oranges.  I guess my credibility is suffering.  LOL
  Supper was a chicken stir fry and some kind of Japanese noodles, lots of vegetables.  I was very nice and Marg really specializes in stir fry dishes.  Canuels stopped by just after as they were coming to bingo tonight.  Gerry's youngest two sisters are in Az, staying with them and they all came to play bingo.  We were close but not luck.  The money ball prize went at $750.  It was won by someone I don't know, darn I was counting on it.  The older of Gerry's sisters, Joanne won twice, but our table had no winner even though we were close. 


  1. Had to produce your receipt lol ... nice to see a few more of the Canuck
    Clan x

  2. Drywall....Sheetrock? It’s called Plasterboard!

  3. Can't go wrong with"French"toast!
