Tuesday 20 January 2009

Dave off to Edmonton

Well I guess I am on my own for a couple of days as Dave had to fly to Edmonton for his first meeting with AUMA he was asked to sit on a committee so they wanted him there for their first one. The good news is that I didn't get lost coming back from the airport Yipeeee. It was very strange pressing his sport jacket and slacks and packing his suit case , haven't had to do that for a few months and I do not miss it LOL. The good thing after his meeting he will get in a short visit with Grandma . The funny thing is when Char told her he was coming she said well he knows its my bingo afternoon so I hope he doesn't come too early.LOL Dave will have a surprise when he gets home as his buddy Spag came over this afternoon wiyh a nice bottle of wine for him, as I guess Dave helpped him with a couple of projects and lent him some tools. Who would of thunk it Dave has tools with him. Well I am going to catch up with a few things while he is gone eg: dye job,do a real good clean job on the motorhome ,I could get used to alot smaller home to keep up.Well its bingo night tonight and Spag is the caller so I better go and donate. Bye for now and wish me luck.


  1. I knew it! You are the reason Dave always looks to sharp and well put together!
