Sunday, 1 March 2020

Sunday, March 1st.

Another nice day in the valley with temperatures at or around 80, so shorts and short sleeves are the order of the day.  The wind blew hard in the early morning but it moderated a lot by lunch time.
  We had a casual morning and then went out for some groceries.  I also took one of the 5 gallon water bottles as we were almost out as well as not having any personal water bottles.  When it gets warm like that everyone needs to keep hydrated or they will have problems.  Safeway was our destination this morning and it was a good choice, not too busy.  Well that and the coupons Marg had for it.  Some of the coupons were from the mail, but she has the loyalty card and it generates some benefits like that.  There must have been some bargains as when she finished at the cashier her savings were about 1/3rd of the total bill.
  A bonus was Marg had picked up a chicken pot pie for lunch and it was very good.  We have tried them from Costco and it was OK, but this was actually good enough so that this was not our first purchase of it.  Almost forgot there was the free donut coupon that she seems to have every-time.
  After lunch Marg did some stuff on the computer and managed to fit in a load of laundry and it was an excellent day for drying it on her racks.  I went and shot some pool for about an hour or 90 minutes, something like that.  She also put a rub on a rack of pork ribs last night and put them in the slow cooker to be ready for supper.  She made the rub out of spices and seasoning she has in the trailer already.  She has done this before on many things including ribs, so I knew it would be good, seasoning things is one of her many talents.  After I got back we changed the bedding in the Az room to be ready for our guests this coming week.  They don't arrive until Thursday but she wants to have that kind of stuff done well in advance.
  Supper was the ribs and baked potato.  We took the ribs out of the slow cooker and put them on the bbq where we covered them with bbq sauce.  The one she had for this was really good, the stuff on the bottle said it was mesquite and molasses.  They were fall apart tender and finger licking good.
  After supper it was ice cream social.  Our supper was poor timing for that as we were still full, so just went down to have coffee with folks.  Kenny & I went over and shot some pool for an hour or so after with a handful of guys.  It was good fun and a nice way to finish the day.  Marg gave Doris a ride home as Kenny generally keeps theirs to get home and gives me a ride.  I actually prefer to walk, as I'm not getting that much exercise some days.

1 comment:

  1. Ice cream social where your too full for ice cream, that’s a shame x
