Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Tuesday, December 3rd

A nice day in the valley and although the locals were wearing coats, most of the snowbirds were in shirtsleeves with the temperature close to 70 today. 
  We used the morning to clean house and organize the Arizona room.  We wanted to open up the hide-a-bed in the Az room.  It has a mattress that inflates to the desired level of firmness.  It is still working fine and it was the first time I have seen it opened up. Then I went to get the mail, nothing but flyers and promotional stuff, although Marg did clip a few coupons from some of the grocery flyers.
  When we finished we went for a bit of a ride around the park.  There was a power failure on the other side of the park and it left 3 or 4 lots without power or water when they dug the lines.  It turned out that an old power pedestal rusted off and collapsed requiring replacement.  The two fellows from the park repairing it offered to let me operate their Mexican backhoe [aka shovel], but I declined.  There was also a mishap with a guy trying to pin on to a 5th wheel trailer to pull it out.  His mother was living in it and has moved to a care facility.  He had a large Kenworth truck and when he pulled forward the trailer hitch pin pulled out of the truck hitch.  The trailer fell better than a foot which can be pretty serious in itself, but then it appears the trailer rolled forward creating a more serious problem.  The towing hitch on the trailer got jammed into the rear of the truck preventing them from raising the front of the trailer.  It also looked to have taken a hard bump on the fiberglass front.  Well this kind of thing is what passes for excitement here.
  After a bite of lunch I went down to play pool.  It was a group of four today and the competition was very tough.  My partner and I did manage a win or two but in our format you potentially change partners every game.  One of the fellows today is probably one of the best players in the park [much better than me] but I never did play with him as a partner.  The other two were not quite as strong, so we kind of manged it so we the very good player and I were never partners.  In the process everyone played on a winner at times and we had fun.  Marg hung around the trailer as she was expecting a visitor and she wanted to organize things at home and do a bit of washing.  Unfortunately the visitor wasn't able to come.
  Supper was in tonight, we had the leftovers from the roast Marg made in the slow cooker.  It was still very good.  We also had the last of the pumpkin pie she got at the casino.  Last Wednesday when at Casino Arizona they were each given a pie and it was pretty darn good.
  After supper we went to the bingo in the park here.  It was a case of close but no cigar for both of us tonight.  In fact we never even had a winner at our table.  Some days you are the windshield, some days you are the bug!

1 comment:

  1. lol likes the last sentence... Arizona room is looking good. We know about that trouble of the trailer coming unhitched... first time out with
    Our new caravan it came off at Beckett’s Traffic Island ... it was pretty scary!
