Monday, 2 December 2019

Monday, December 2nd

As always this time of year, chilly last night but the day warmed and was very nice, a shirt-sleeve day.  No short pants for me just yet.
  Started of the day with French Toast that Marg made from some buns she had.  It was very good and always appreciated, I've told her in the past she never has to ask if I want French Toast.  After I vacuumed the truck and the carpet on the steps then went out to wash the truck.  It wasn't dirty by the standards at home, but here it was time.  We had driven on rain covered roads a few days back and the desert sand gets washed on to them and splashes up a bit.  I went to the self spray at 4 Sons just up the road.  I put in 6 bucks and it was enough to spray, wash with a soapy brush, rinse and then spray with rinse agent to prevent spots.  The water here is notorious for spotting if not dried off or sprayed and it particularly a problem on chrome, mirrors and windows.  Besides all the drive thru car washes use brushes and I only go through brush-less ones.  Marg did banking this morning.  She checks all the Visa receipts with the statement to make certain the charges are correct.  While doing this the system asked if she wanted to use the points to make a payment.  We never realized our U.S. dollar Visa got points, so a pleasant surprise as is said we had over 6,000 points.  So she said why not and sure enough it applied cash to the balance, even though the balance is not due just yet.
  Speaking of the effects of the rain, there has been some serious flooding.  Quite a few people boon-dock or dry camp here.  Apparently there were some in low lying areas that have been flooded in at least 3 feet of water and can't get out until it recedes.  There was also a case of a couple with  kids in an big old army truck on a road who tried to cross through a closed wash yesterday morning.  It seems the morning water rose from zero to 7 feet in 4 hours and then started recede but then had a surge.  Anyway the truck became stuck in the water and they had to be rescued.  In the process 3 of the kids [all 6 or under] were washed out of the back of the truck and drowned  A terrible tragedy.
  When I got back I browned the roast on the bbq that Marg put it in the slow cooker, later adding vegetables and potatoes.  Lunch for me was the leftover spaghetti from yesterday, for Marg the leftover salad.  Not sure about the salad, but mine was just as good today.
  I went to play some pool this afternoon.  Not that many guys playing yet, but I took the cue that work so well yesterday and it was still performing just fine.  Marg went out to Safeway and got a great deal on some T Bone steaks.  They look very nice and were about 1/3rd what we would expect to pay at home and are large enough that one will make a meal for both of us.  She sure does well finding the sales on groceries.  Then she went to Cato where she found a top and a sweater, she usually has good luck at that store.  There is a dollar store next door where she managed to get a few things she needed.
  Supper was eat in tonight.  We have been enjoying the pictures on FB and being sent to us by Char & Jess.  Oh yes congratulations are in order to Lyzi.  Her home business of making drawings/ caricatures of people and families and selling them on line has done very well.  So well it seems a magazine featured her in an article. Well while I'm at it Sophie for an award at school and her mother Anna who prepared a bunch of  story writing kits and sold out on line in a day.
  Will try and get some pictures to liven up the blog, if I remember in the future.

1 comment:

  1. That’s a terrible tragedy about the Children... my heart goes out to those poor families-. Also, Very proud of all our high achievers x
