Saturday, 1 December 2018

Saturday, Dec 1st

The weather down here has taken a nasty turn with this second weather system moving through the area.  Wore long pants today and even a jacket in the morning.  Winter can be brutal.
  I got mobile early this morning and went for bacon, eggs, pancakes in the clubhouse.  The group putting it together are some great people in the park, so a good bunch to support.  Sat with a couple of guys, this time fellows are widowers, not just my usual bachelor herd.  It was good, the conversation was mainly about farming, so I ran out of anything I could contribute very quickly.  One of them is the guy I bring the diamond willow sticks down for.
  After Marg & I went to a park sale in a very large and better quality park.  We thought they would have better quality junk, but sadly we were unable to commit to bringing any of their junk home.  It seemed that many residents in the park had not arrived yet, so that may have been a factor.  I did look at a golf cart that was for sale.  The body was made up to look like a mini chev pickup truck.  The rear had a mini truck box, but in the box was a rear seat.  When you lowered the tail gate, it was the foot rest for the passengers.  It was an older cart and not a very well known make of cart, but it had new batteries.  At $3,500 I was not a serious buyer.
  Then we went to a large well established flea market.  It's one that has been around for a long time, but it too seemed to be waiting for more winter visitors or vendors, not sure which.  It's one that is held in a parking lot without any permanent structures.  There was lots of cool junk at this one.  One of the very old pieces they had was a child's soap box derby racer probably from some time in the 50's.  It was quite a ways from here, down by the 101, but we had never been there and wanted to see it. 
  Had lunch at home and then Marg prepared potatoes & veg to roast for supper while I worked on the bike I was given earlier this winter.  The front tire was flat and it seems the failure was the tube came apart at the valve stem.  The only place to get a replacement tube is the bike shop up the trail, where they sell them.  They are small tires, much like a road race model, and the tire pressure is 80 psi, higher than any bike I have had.  The make of the bike is a Giant and it is definitely made for a tall rider, I can just reach the ground when I'm on it.  Got it repaired, cleaned up and oiled, then took it for a ride.  It's a very nice ride and everything works well.
  Went for happy to the other side of the park.  It was a much smaller group today, probably a result of the weather as it started to cool off about that time.  After that it was bbq steak and roasted potatoes for supper.  The new TBone steak was very nice, tender and a great flavour. 


  1. I switched my bike over to those slim high pressure tyres (note spelling correction) and found that it goes easier on the paved surfaces.

  2. Sounds like the new bike is more up to the AriZona trails then the lakes gravel... shame the flea market didn’t have any great treasures to bring home.
