Thursday, 1 February 2018

Thursday, Feb 1st

Where do the days go, it is February already.  The weather has definitely taken a much warmer trend and every day now the highs are 80F or better and expected to reach 90F in a couple of weeks.  A guy could get sunburned out here.
  The day started with us going to coffee & donuts.  It was a bit of a surprise to the group with Marg attending now that the Gamblin' Gals no longer go on Thursdays.  Our table was picked last for donuts again today and because the attendance was high, the selection was poor so we both passed on donuts.
  Big excitement on the next street over as Wilma bought a brand new park model and it was being moved in this morning.  She is a great lady, so everyone is very happy for her.  It is really nice, but she lives here year-round and although expensive it made sense when it was her home. 
  After the meeting, Marg went to water aerobics and apparently it went well.  She said the pool was very nice, in the 80's I believe and the attendance was down a bit, so they had lots of room in the pool.  She seems to like taking the cart so not having to walk back isn't a problem with her hip.  I think there gets to be quite a few carts by the pool at times.  I worked on a problem I seem to have on a regular basis with the Arizona room.  The spacers I have between the ribs on the carport roof sometimes fall out and then cactus wrens get in to steal insulation to use in their nests.  I think I had 4 to replace today.  I guess that's not too bad out of 3 or 4 dozen.
  Marg had been complaining of her kitchen knives being dull, so I sharpened them.  While it doesn't take too long, they are no the quality of the knives at home, so take a little more care to get a decent edge on them.  It must have been OK as she used them a bit later when making lunch and never complained.
  After lunch I went to play pool and Marg went out to pick out some things we need.  I think she went to Walmart as she came back with, among other things, a cube of 30 cans of Miller High Life.  I wasn't close to desperate, but maybe I was being rewarded for something I did right, so didn't ask any questions.  I played pool with Kenny & Dale.  They both seem to prefer playing with me, but are probably not sure why when I hook them.  LOL  I think they are both a little uncertain of the game of 8 ball we play here and are still getting accustomed to it.  It was kind of funny as when I went to get Dale he said he had to go shopping.  As I was leaving Sheryl came out and said for him to play and they would go for groceries after supper.  He seemed very happy with that.  They are from Iowa.  When Then as we started playing Kenny came looking for a game [he's from Kansas].  We had some good games and lots of laughs.  When Dale & I got there, one table only had two players and they asked us to join them, but I said we wanted to play a game on our own at first.  I had to explain to them later that these two guys don't just show up to play and need to get comfortable with it.  As I said I'm not sure why as they are both pretty good players.
  When I got home, Marg had just pulled up with many bags of groceries, oh yes and a cube of Miller.  We put the stuff away and then went to happy hour.  There was a large group today, probably a couple dozen or more, so it was pretty noisy over there.  Kenny seems to like it when there is a good sized group and it was at his place.  It's difficult sometimes to limit the numbers or people get the wrong impression, so he just goes with the flow.
  Supper was eat in tonight and then we went to the animal races.  Marg did really well, winning 6 of the 8 races.  I won 4 races, so I'm sure I will hear about who chooses the best over time. The really good news is the elephant won twice in a row.  It paid very well and that really helped.  Go Bimbo!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the pool has warmed enough for water aerobics and the Elephant is doing well x
