Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Tuesday, Jan 16th

It was a nice day in Apache Junction, as always it is noticeably cooler when the sun goes down in the desert and it continues into the morning until the sun starts to warm the day.  It was a nice day, in the 70's I believe.
  Marg started the day with a pan of sticky buns, I think she calls it monkey bread.  It's a pull apart of small buns with pecans and the sticky stuff, very good.  She took a plate of them over to our neighbour Janice as she is feeling poorly and Marg is kind of watching out for her.  Janice is recently retired and as well as going through some chemo therapy and radiation and being alone, appreciates this kind of thing.  The buns were a great way to start the day for me too.
  After I pumped up one of my tires as it seems to have a very slow leak.  Then we went out as I needed a hair cut as I was getting kind of shaggy.  When I got there I was surprised to find new owners and a totally renovated shop.  They are Mexicans and made the place over like a man cave.  I got a pretty good haircut [I think] and at $13 the price was right.  The young barber I had was friendly and even used the straight razor to trim the neck, something I have not seen for a while.
  Then we went over to the Superstition mall area and Marg chased around in Burlington coat, a place she loves.  That store was all made over as well and is so huge she never managed to touch everything in there.  A quick stop at Ace hardware to get some electric cleaning spay.  The remotes for the truck are a bit of a problem and at the price they want for them it's worth trying to save them.
  Back at home for lunch.  After Marg did a bit of laundry.  She likes to do it on a regular basis and not let it pile up with this machine down here.  I emptied out a bunch of stuff from the shed so I could get the plywood from the pub night back in and it gave me an opportunity to clean up a bit.  Then I took apart the remotes and cleaned the circuit boards in them as well as the cases.  The electrical cleaner seems to have done the job.  I also used wood alcohol to clean the cases and cover.
  Then I went to play some pool.  There were a couple of guys there and we had a few laughs.  I was on the losing side more than winning even though I did win a few.
  Back for supper and we had leftovers from the previous night.  There was still enough scalloped potatoes and ham left that Marg took a plate over next door for Janice and we still had lots.  There were a couple of corn bread muffins left, so that made for a great meal.  Finished up just in time for us to make bingo tonight.  There was a good crowd and lots of winners, but we were not among them.  Marg was close, I think she was down to one number 4 or 5 times, me on the other hand, did not do quite as well.

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