Sunday, 14 January 2018

Saturday, Jan 13th

  Had an early start to the day, so decided we would go out for a bit.  First stop was the post office where Marg got some stamps and mailed a few things.  She was feeling pretty good, so we carried on to the big Mesa marketplace, or flea market I call it.  We walked two rows in there, which was probably over-doing it a bit.  As it turns out we never bought anything and it seems lots of folks did the same thing as most never had packages, in fact the parking lot mid-morning had lots of good places available.  In prior years parking on the east or north sides has not been an option unless you arrive very early.  There were quite a few merchant stalls not open at that time and even some empty ones, but this may well have been owing to it being a long weekend here, MLK Jr. day.
  On the way back we stopped in at Ross's where Marg came out with a bag and then the big Walmart on Signal Butte.  As it turned out we picked up quite a bit including: solar lights, heating pad and enough maintenance stuff to make up a couple of bags.
  Back at the trailer we had lunch:  crab/corn chowder soup, baked in the oven biscuits and a dish of fruit salad.  I put out the solar lights and fixed my truck remote control.  Marg went for a ride and got our tickets for both the pub night and sit down dinner next weekend.  I suspect that involved some visiting just knowing where she went to get them.  Me, well the pool room was empty, so I went and got Dale to play 8 ball.  After 5 games we were pretty even.  I say that because I managed to get 3 wins.
  By then it was close enough that we made supper.  Had a couple of T-bones we did on the bbq along with a foil of potato, yam, carrots, onions.  You know.  We wanted a bit earlier supper, so never went looking for a happy hour.  Apparently several people did and there didn't seem to be any with the pending Pub night.
  At 6:30 we had to go down to the hall to get ready for the party. They had about 70 people signed up for the Pub night. 
  I was looking after activity #4, done of the dart games, the one with real darts.  The 2nd dart game was with plastic tipped darts.  There were 7 activities and people were given a group number.  Each group member had a number on the reverse side of their personal score card identifying the activity where they started.  Susan with her best English accent welcomed everyone to the pub to kick it off.  The evening went really well with everyone busy and noisy, we even had a few drunks.  There were prizes awarded for the top score on each activity.  I won the bean bag baseball toss and the prize was a very large can of Coors light beer.  The only one with tie top scores was putt on the artificial grass and they judges selected based on practice results.  I the darts game I had a clear winner.  There was some dancing at the end, but we did not partake as we were running out of energy.  We went fairly late and by the time I got home I was barely awake, so no blog last night.  I tried to put one together, but kept falling asleep.  From the comments I am certain this event will be repeated new winter.

1 comment:

  1. Glad it was fun... only activity I have ever done in a pub is a quiz...besides a drink lol something to think about for next time. x
