Thursday, 23 February 2017

Thursday, Feb 23rd

  The weather has turned a bit chilly today and it looks like it will be this way for a week or so.  It is forecast to be in the 60's that while not hot, is still far above the freezing mark.  It just seems a result of a never ending series of storms moving through the entire country.
  I went for a bike ride with the guys this morning, there were 5 of us and the donkey was very well behaved this morning.  Jerry and I swung back after 3 miles or so as he was tiring, probably because of the wind and I went with him as we generally don't leave anyone on their own in case they need help.  When I got back Marg had a pull apart bread or monkey bread made.  It was still warm and delicious, so that was breakfast.  She had me take a piece of it next door for Janice, who was a happy recipient.
  Marg did a load of laundry this morning to try and keep busy, as it was a very stressful day.  But it did get better when we finally heard that Lyzi came through the very lengthy surgery and seemed in good spirits.  We are not yet aware of all the details but are certainly looking forward to her recovering and getting back to normal.
  Just after lunch I went to take pictures of the new executive for the RV park tenants association.  We did them down by the pool this year.  After I met with the executive to discuss the handling of the facebook account.  With our leaving next week, there is no one left to post on it as I have ended up the defacto owner of the site.  The site gets very busy when events and pictures are posted, but almost dormant when they aren't.  This has now been corrected and the association identity used to set it up as the owner and administrator.  Then I scanned some stuff like the bylaws and got that filed electronically for them using the new identity.
  Marg had lots of company all day, mostly people inquiring how things went.  It's nice to see people are concerned and supportive, but emotionally draining.  By the time I finished the scanning and assigning of rights, changing the FB picture, I had frittered away most of the afternoon, so we went to happy hour.  There were lots of folks there today and seemed to be lots of stuff to discuss.
  Supper tonight was a nice steak bbq using the tenderloin Marg picked up a while back.  We have more steak and chicken than we can eat by departure day, so no doubt Marg will be looking for a home for some of it.  She made a nice dish of roast potato and vegetables to go with it.  Then we finished off with apple pie and ice cream, one of my favourites.  There was still lots left from the pie she made yesterday and it was just as good today.
  After supper it was the animal races.  Well for me anyway, as Marg didn't feel up to it.  It was pretty well attended and the elephant was back - go Bimbo, even though it never won.  I won 3 of the 8 races, so lost a few of the dimes.  I had Marg's change purse and Gene was MC for a while and said in a very loud voice, oh look!  Is that Marg's change purse Dave has, to which I replied thank you for noticing in such a loud voice.  Most of the place erupted in laughter.  Must look for an opportunity to reciprocate.  LOL

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