Friday, 3 February 2017

Friday, Feb 3rd

A nice day in the valley and a good day to hold the park sale.
  Marg was up early to get ready for the day. She had told the other kitchen gals she was bringing in a monkey bread [pull-apart buns], so she had put the dough out last night to cook this morning.  Apparently she made a double batch so there would be lots.  Anyway it came out of the oven looking like a million bucks all high and golden brown, so after it cooled she took it out of the pan.  It was the big angel food pan she bought a while back.  After she went to get dressed and returned to the kitchen, to her horror, it had fallen - big time.  It was just too heavy.  To try and salvage it she put it back in the oven to brown the sides or whatever.  Well after a short while she opened the oven and the place filled with smoke.  So with the smoke alarm blaring, the cursing started.  Needless to say there was no monkey bread for the workers, but I did try it and I thought it was still OK. 
  It was off to the rec hall to get the sloppy joe stuff made up and ready.  I stayed a the park model to sell our two items.  Well only one actually as it turned out Marg had given the warming table away.  It was priced at $3, so we'll never see that money.  About noon the headboard had not sold and I don't believe I even saw anyone even look at it.  So I left to walk around the park and take pictures to post on the Tenants association FB site, kind of hoping someone would steal it.  After I got back to post them, that cursed thing was still here, so I changed the price tag to FREE and went for my sloppy joe and pie.  Picking up Kenny on the way, upon arriving I discovered I was the victim of a very successful patio sale and the pie was sold out.  You cannot imagine my disappointment, well if not then imagine Kenny's wife having held out a piece of pie for him.  After sitting down with my sloppy joe, he shows up with his and a slice of pie.  My only reaction was to ask Doris if she would take Marg under her wing and teach her how to save a piece of pie for her mate.  Well at least the sloppy joe was good.
  Shortly after I got back home and a guy came up asking if the headboard was really free.  When I confirmed it he asked if he could have it so that he wouldn't have to bang his head on the wall any longer.  Another successful sale by yours truly.  At least I never had to deliver it.  LOL
  Meanwhile back at the rec hall, I guess Marg won two of the prizes with the draw tickets I had purchased and put in her name.  Another success story about my ability to pick winners.  I think she said one was a large bottle of wine and the other she brought home was a scent burner.  You know one of those things you plug in with some scent in it that makes your house smell like the scent while you hope the place doesn't burn to the ground while you sleep.  The other, the bottle, well it is going to the super bowl party on Sunday, I guess.
  When she got home she was glad to see I had sold the headboard, as she thought it would be a tough sale.  Again under-rating my selling skills.  It was then that she spied the lump of dough on the stove and without hesitation threw it in the garbage bin.  Well that was a learning experience.
  By then it was happy hour, so we went down to share our day with the group.  Nothing too exciting, well some old guy wanted to move a shed, but it looked kind of hopeless.  My advice was they get the guy with the forklift for $100 and take the easy way out with it.
  After we went out with Kenny & Doris [you know the lady who has a way with pie].  We quite often go for fish on Friday, so we opted for Long John Silvers.  The fish was good and the company better.  It was a great way to end the day.
  Oh Marg's foot, well it seems to be doing OK.  Her feet were sore, but just from standing, the toe was much improved and never opened up, so the butterfly band-aids seem to have done the trick.


  1. A traumatic day with the pies. Things can only get better.

  2. Glad he foot is improving and sale was a success x
