Wednesday, 18 January 2017


Busy morning today as we both had commitments.  It was a bit chilly but warmed quickly to be shirt sleeve weather.
  Marg went with the Gamblin' Gals to the Fort.  There was a car full of eager ladies.  Apparently the place was pretty full as there was a car auction going on.  It's a funny thing, people come here for the big Barrett Jackson car auctions and several others hold their smaller ones at the same time.  The one at the Fort is Silver Auctions and they still had some pretty cool cars the last time I went.  There were no winners today in the group, so they had to be content with the fun they had.
  I played golf at Apache Sun this morning.  We had lots of golfers and I was teamed up with the second group out.  We had a bit of fun and I was happy with what I carded, a 45 that included 3 pars.  I drove again as I have been taking a guy who is new to the park with me.  He seems to be enjoying the golf and the people and he plays pretty well.  Oh yeh, I never even lost a ball today.
  When I got back I made a lunch, yes you heard right, no need for cooking classes here.  LOL  Then I went out and got a great deal on a pair of sneakers [trainers, Char] and some nice buns for supper.  Well not at the same store, Big 5 sports was in the same centre as Basha's.  When I got back to the park I played some pool.  The guys I played with were fun and it was pretty competitive.  I was really lucky and never played on a losing team.  I know, you are thinking it's more fun to win, but that was not my yardstick when I say this.  After I went to Kenny's where we discussed a project he has to put some lighting in his place.  Then I went to happy hour and it was a smaller group today.  How small; well the women sat with the guys.  That may be normal for most folks, but at Larry's place it generally isn't.
  By the end the Gamblin' Gals returned and Marg & I made our way over to the hall for the turkey soup dinner.  The place was packed, as it is when anything involving free food happens here.  The soup was good, but I think it was better when Marg was on the cooking crew.  It was nice, where we sat there was a couple who have been away a couple of years after selling their park model and have returned.
  After supper we went home for coffee & shortbread, no one else, just us.  I don't encourage Marg to share her shortbread cookies, they are almost gone now.  Then I went to poker with the guys, where I donated to the greater good, not a lot, but I am pretty sure I was not a winner.