Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Wednesday, March 30th

This morning it was a bit nicer day and got gradually warmer. 
Richard & I went golfing with Gerry at Apache Sun.  The game went pretty well, but I was concerned with Richard hitting the ball so well off the tee.  He was using my Calloway clubs, so I will have to keep my eye on the driver, I'm afraid as he was doing so well with it that I need to make sure it is still here after he leaves.  LOL  He was pretty impressed with the tortoise, for a 9 yr old it is pretty big.
    When we got back the girls were no where in sight, I guess they went shopping to Cato and Dollar General after their long walk in the park.  Marg took our leftovers from last night with her and left them with Gary.  He loves left overs, me not so much, so it works out well for all of us.  Richard & I went for a walk through the cactus garden of Patti's and the over to Dales to look at his scorpions.  On the way Richard had somewhere got a piece of jumping Cholla cactus in his foot.  He went to pull it out, but instead I got him to go back to Dale who pulled it out with pliers.  On our walk I met 3 people who said they heard I was working on the hamburger crew tonight, which I of course denied.  Well except Cheryl who said something like - oh yes you are.  They got back shortly after and then it was lunch time.  Gave the Proulx's a bit of a taste of some of the desserts around here as we had some Mexican cookies on hand.
  After lunch we went out to Total Wine.  Richard didn't find anyone to jam his cart into this time, in fact never even pushed one or stood in line with at the cash out, he got Evelyn to do that.  We were all very disappointed as we got lots of laughs last time.  Anyway they both bought a 1.75 litre, so it will be interesting to see how they make out with C'dn border security folks.  On the way back the girls got to thinking about missed shopping opportunity and asked to stop at Ross.  After a few minutes both emerged with a bag of stuff, in Marg's case just a pair of casual shoes.
  It was just about time to go to the hall for the hamburger supper.  Yes; I learned that Marg had  told Patti we would lend a hand because they had lost 2 couples from their crew.  It was a bit of an experience, much busier than the breakfast crew.  After we were done I also learned that she had invited the crew to our place for drinks.  It made for a nice end to a busy day.  Lots of laughs.

1 comment:

  1. It looked like you got the Proulx's working at the Hamburgers too x
