Monday, 7 March 2016


The weather turned a lot cooler today, nothing like it has been.   The forecast was for a chance of rain today, but as the day grew closer, they modified it, so on Saturday, Gerry booked a tee time.
  I went riding with the guys this AM, the wind was just gently blowing, but Larry didn't feel like riding uphill to Idaho, so we went west instead.  I told him I only came for the short version, so we rode to Meridian and then around a bit and back, making 2 1/2 miles.  It was cool enough that I wore a vest and a coat.  Later after I was ready to leave for golf, it had warmed considerably and a decent day seemed in the offing.  Marg went for water aerobics and they had a good group again this morning.  They got their hour in and in the process got the pool water well stirred up.
  After a bite to eat, Stan was out front ready to go to Encanto.  I was looking for someone to play with Gerry & I and he had enjoyed the course last week.  Golf is funny thing around here because although there are lots of courses the guys get in regular foursomes or get busy in other things and there generally seem to be a couple of guys looking for a chance to play.  Anyway it was a win win, good for both sides, you know - we get to drive in the HOV lane as a bonus.  We ended up with a 4th, a single playing with us; a nice young guy going to ASU and a very good golfer.  Our scores didn't reflect the quality of the experience, we had a fun day and the course wasn't too busy so play moved along at a good pace.  It was a bit later tee time, so we were later getting back, but the traffic was much lighter, which made for better travel conditions.  The sunset in our rearview mirror tonight was incredible, the sky was lit right up with vivid colors.
  Marg went for a bit of retail therapy with the truck being at home.  She got to some of her fav's [Kohl's, Ross's, Fry's] down in the area around Superstition and found a nice top that she just loves.  This is great because she has been a bit frustrated with not finding anything up until now.  After that she got some groceries to fill the cupboards before we starve.  LOL  Not the kind of groceries I buy, but she did find a good deal on Miller High Life, so she had my best interests at heart.
  Got back a little later than usual, but she had supper already, so got to eat in short order.  It was leftovers from the previous nights roast, that really hit the spot.  Just as we were cleaning up, Bill called to tell us they were going to facetime.  They had cake for his three, so we got to participate in singing happy birthday.  We got an update on their birthday party from the weekend at Bill & Patti's place.  Apparently they had something like 47 at the party and Patti partied with them.  We didn't get a lot of information on what all happened, but that is to be expected.
  After it was laundry night, even though it was getting late because the rest of this week is so full of activities.  I went along to carry dirty laundry and that sort of thing, oh yeh, I loaded money on to the laundry card.  Then I went back home to read for a bit as my participation wasn't required until time to fold sheets and a few other things.  The other advantage of doing it late is all the machines are free.  In a place like this people have their habits and rarely change.  Some of their habits are the days or times they do laundry and Marg has that pretty well figured out.  Wandering about after dark, it is amazing to see how many folks are in bed by 9PM, small wonder they are up at the proverbial crack of dawn.

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