Saturday, 20 February 2016


A busy day with gorgeous weather.  You will be hearing about great weather for a week or two now if the forecast is correct.  Didn't sleep well and was up at 5:30 AM, so the day went long for me.  It started out well with breakfast in the hall, the special today was french toast, so no pancakes for me this AM.  After I went for a ride with 2 of the guys, but Larry wasn't up to a long one so we only rode about 4 miles.  It's all about just getting out, so I met my objective.
  When I got back, I packed up the truck with tools to take to Larry's as I had committed to put new carpet on his outside steps.  Marg drove me down there as she was picking up Doris & Nancy to go shopping.  They went over to Mesa to the Kohl's store and also check out some others in the same centre.  Marg only got one top and a few decorations for the anniversary party next week, but Doris & Nancy got lots of clothes.  They were back by lunch, so were only gone a couple of hours.  I would have thought with those 3 that they would have stayed out for lunch, but I guess the other ladies weren't hungry after having a big breakfast.  I had stopped for lunch when she pulled up and I had already made my cheese sandwich with strawberry jam for a spread on it, so Marg just made something for herself.  For some strange reason  she is never interested in this yummy sandwich option.  After lunch it was back on the tools to finish the steps, so got both front and back done and they seemed happy enough with the job. I told Larry there is a tail light warranty on the job, you know when you can't seem my tail lights, the warranty period is over.  Well he told just about everyone about it.  Pretty funny!
  Then it was time for a shower, especially the knees were in desperate need of a good wash.  Fortunately Marg had put a nice chicken dish with potatoes and vegetables in the slow cooker earlier as happy hour was at out place tonight.  We didn't know what kind of mess we would have at Johnsons so she offered to have it here today.  There were about 16 or 18 here for cocktails and it went pretty well.  It was funny to see the number of golf carts parked out front, I think there were about  6 or 7.  It certainly got the neighbours talking as we are normally one of the quiet places on the street.  Little did they know, but they are wiser now. 
  Supper was great and then it was over to the hall for a disco type party.

They had a pretty good turnout and we danced a few slow ones, well Marg danced in a Congo line as well.  Sat with friends and had a very nice evening.  Well getting sleepy now as my day is 19 hours already, so that's all folks.