In the morning Marg & Char finished up their laundry duty with the steamer. All the clothes were washed yesterday, but it was so late in the day that they left the steaming part until the morning. There was a fair pile of laundry so it took a while.
They finished up in time for water aerobics. The 3 gals headed down there and according to Katie the gossip was not so juicy this morning, nothing major happening in the rv park. The only thing of note I heard about was that they have decided where we will eat supper on our return from Las Vegas as some of the couples here ate there recently and had enjoyable experiences. Well that and the fact that we have not been there and the location is across the freeway from the furniture store. They went through the routines and by now Katie has them down pat and knows what each exercise is as well as what comes next, so gives Char a heads up on the changes. There was a pretty good number of ladies this AM.
Phil & I went out, first to the barbers, but he was busy, so I will leave that for next week. We stopped on the way back at Superstition Harley. It is a pretty good sized dealership and we admired the iron, but were not serious about it. Good thing as the salesman advised me they would not sell a new bike to a Canadian. In fact they only sell new bikes to people with an American address but can sell us bikes having at least 7,500 miles on them. It was interesting; but just as well as we not really in the buying mode anyway. After that it was a quick stop at Ace Hardware as I needed a magnetic catch for the rear door. The old one fell apart last night.
Marg had supper in the slow cooker, so it was back to the trailer for supper. A nice big pot of pasta accompanied by a bunch of chicken in a tomato sauce. It turned out great and we even cooked the pasta on the side burner on the BBQ so as not to heat up the house. It turned out to be a nice supper.
After supper Blanke's & Binger's stopped by for a few Margaritas and drinks Had a very nice visit and shared some stories as well as some whisky. Said our good-byes to both as they will likely be gone before we return from Las Vegas. We will sure miss those guys, it has been a great winter. The ladies did some packing for tomorrow and that was the day.
Another beautiful day in the valley of the sun... Caas Grande was spectacular x