A sunny day for April Fools Day in the valley. Throughout the day Katie [well and grandma] played some good pranks. Like she put macaroni in a bag under the carpet and Char thought she was stepping on a bug. She programmed Chars phone so the text messages would put in another word when she typed in a word [pretty clever].
Happy birthday Phil, it's a big one, so enjoy it. Anna & Lyzi both managed to catch Phil in a facetime this morning, so a nice way to start his day.

The day started off with Gerry Canuel showing up for golf. Charlene had decided to play, so the four of us made it out to Apache Sun. After hearing so much about it the Smiths got to finally see it first hand and a great day it was. Charlene was tentative about playing, but it sure didn't show in her game. She was long drive on a few holes, had one par and carded a 50, pretty remarkable for someone who last played 2 years ago. She also took the opportunity when presented to tell us she had a better score than us or a longer drive. On the 5th hole it was a 4 turtle day with another swimming in the area, so it was pre-destined that a ball would make the water. Pretty funny as Char's first one bounced off the rocks back on to the fairway so she hit it back into the water. The turtles got their evil deed done today. Oh yeh, they also got to see the big tortoise on the 3rd hole who was out in the sun. LOL It was a fun day and lots of laughs. There were only 10 golfers today, definitely a sign that the snowbirds are leaving for the north. We each threw in a buck for the long putt and closest to the hole on a par 3, but no winners in our group.
We were done in good time and made it back to the rv park for lunch. While we were gone Katie and Marg went to the water aerobics. Katie said they went early so they could catch up on all the gossip in the park. Anyway it seems there was some, so the early trip was not in vain. The numbers at aerobics were a bit smaller, but they had a good workout.

Not much else was accomplished today. It was showers all around when we got back. It was hot and we sat around in the breezeway after lunch. Did I say it was hot, well there was a bit of breeze through the breezeway, but it was well into the high 80's today. We did have some company throughout the day. Phil also got a phone call from his sister, Cath on his birthday, that was later passed around the family for greetings.

For supper it was off to the Olive Garden. Everyone here likes Italian food and it was no disappointment tonight, the food was great. Large portions were the big surprise, I couldn't even finish mine, so brought a doggie bag home. Phil was well pleased as they had Peroni beer, one of his favourites. Great service from our waiter as well tonight. Char did mention that it was Phil's birthday and the table wait staff came over to give him a cupcake and sing happy birthday.
On the way home we stopped at DQ where Char picked up the ice cream cake she had ordered yesterday. When we got back to the rv park two other couples joined us for a drink and cake. After Marg & Char did laundry and we played some cards. Yes Kings down.
The turtles put me off on that hole... happy birthday Phil xx