When we got up there was fog again today, but it was a lot warmer than yesterday. We got packed up and then went for breakfast in the hotel. Got on the road with lots of time to spare - that's what I thought anyway. According to the GPS, it was about half an hour to Universal Studios. Well between construction activity and traffic, it was a little over an hour so we never got there until shortly after 10AM. Now I know what the auto manufacturers do with all their surplus cars, they just park them on the freeways in LA.

Got front of gate parking. It was a little pricey, but with all the walking we have been doing I knew our crew would need a short walk at the end of the day. When they parked us, they gave us bottles of water and packs of fruit snacks. That was something new for us.

Started off our day with the tour. It's on the wagons they pull around and is narrated, which really helps as it gives us a better understanding of what we are seeing & we saw lots & lots. The tram went through a flash flood, an earthquake and subway collapse and the King Kong / Jurassic Park 3D show.
Even got sprayed with spit from the dinosaur, LOL.
I know one of the highlights for Marg was the houses on Wisteria lane, where they filmed Desperate Housewives.

Vanessa & Daniel went on lots of rides and all four of us saw many attractions. One of the most interesting was the one on how they make movies. We ate lunch in the park and it was pretty good. Daniel and Vanessa went on the Jurassic river ride, which is a splash ride and a lot of fun.

We ended the day on a high note with the Waterworld show. It's kind of a stunt spectacular and was pretty darn amazing. It certainly had the fans all revved up. If you have been to a theme park, you know how it went. Bad guys show up and then hero comes to the rescue. In the end the bad guys are defeated and hero gets the girl. If you saw the movie, they really do a good job of giving you a sense of he conflict in it and how they used stunts to make it seem real.

The show ended about 5:30 and we got out of the park into our vehicle pretty quickly. Set out on the highway to get through LA and a better start tomorrow. Well we pulled on to what we thought was the freeway, but may have been a parking lot on black Friday. Drove for about 2 1/2 hours and got to San Bernardino, that's about 61 miles. No the Dodge did not break down, but it sure was stopped a great deal of the time. Sure left me wondering why all these folks live around here and do that every day.
Looks like another successful day of being tourists and lots if happy memories made xx