I got out early and had breakfast at the rec hall this AM. I had french toast, bacon & eggs. What a great way to start the day. The main topic of conversation seemed to be about who left today or this past week.
Then we went to taking some stuff from the m'home down to the park model. It seems the cupboards are gradually getting filled in the kitchen. I also took the opportunity to re-organize the Az room as it was getting pretty junky. At about 11 Norm & Lucie came by, we had arranged to spend the day with them.
It was off to the Olive Mill at Queen Creek for lunch and a look around.
From there we drove cross country trying to see if we could guess our way to the next destination, Total Wine. I could recognize we were close with the location of Williams Field and came out right at the store. It was quite an experience for the Dufresne's with the number of options and they bought quite a few things. We also got some beer and coolers.
After we went to Trader Joes. While we were in shopping, Norm went to a barber shop next door and got a haircut. It was funny to watch Marg & Lucie arguing about who was paying for what, it took me back to the way she & Charlene go on about that kind of thing. Anyway we managed to get out of there with some stuff, I have to assume it worked out as we had 3 bags of groceries. Unfortunately they did not have sauerkraut and the plan was to have Rueben sandwiches for supper back at the rv park. Made a few miles with that round trip today.
We got back and had several wobbly pops. Kenny & Doris stopped in to have a beer with us as they had slept through happy hour and we were doing just that. After Marg prepared the ruebens and a nice coleslaw, followed by a lemon tort with ice cream. Our first meal at the park model.
First of many great meals there I am sure x