Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Jan 27th

The weather was much the same as the past few days.  Chilly at night, but really warms up when the sun gets up.
  Another quiet day for us.  Marg went for water aerobics and said they had a good turn-out.  Apparently a new couple in the park were in the pool and stayed for the exercises.  It was their first time with a guy in the group.  They were from Utah and apparently the woman was a dancer with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. She was impressed that Marg had not only heard of the troupe, but had been to one of their performances.  That was the one she bought the pink dress with ostrich feathers to wear at, you may recall it was when I rented a tux and was my one and only time at the ballet.  Swan Lake, now there was a good nap.  LOL  Marg also told her about Katy staying with it until her teenage years and how much she enjoyed performing.
  While we were having lunch, it was kind of funny, Bob came to see if I could come out and play.  Pool that is, so I played for an hour or two after lunch.  He is from Ohio and is a lot of fun to play.  I played surprisingly well for a guy who only plays for the winter months.
  Marg went out for some groceries.  I think she stopped in at Bells as she showed me a new blouse that came with a necklace.  It was funny, the first year we were calling it Bealls.  It wasn't until the our second year that Marg discovered what looked like an 'A' was really a bell in the middle of the word.  Not funny to you, well I guess you had to be there.
  For the afternoon we were sitting out on the patio and people kept stopping by.  We ended up with about 8 staying for Happy Hour.  Lots of new people in the park, met some from Ottawa. Often new people just assumed we were from here, probably because we know so many of the residents, so we then proceed to explain where we hail from. 

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