Wednesday, 20 February 2013


When they say a winter storm is coming in, they're not kidding.  Our great weather is just a memory, it rained most of the night and most of the day today.  Although it never snowed on the desert floor, it sure is cool.  All the high country, like Superstition mtn are white.  Put the blanket on the water line tonight, it might just get down to freezing.
  Give it a couple of days and we will be back in short pants - we hope!
  Spent most of the day in the RV, basically getting well from the surgery.  Marg went out for a few things, but not for long.  She made me up some scrambled eggs, my first solid food and it was sure a nice change.
  They were short of poker players, so I played tonight.  That didn't go too well, as I was one of the donors.  Been a while since they got me that much, now I know how the other side feels, LOL.  actually it's not that I win all the time, it's just that I have not lost big for a while.


  1. Brrr glad you are on the mend enough for them to buckle and dine you at poker xxx

  2. Nickle not buckle lol stupid spell check x
