Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Never got to the blog last night, the internet service was garbage, so this is catch up.
Went for a bike ride and got my exercise first thing in the morning.  Still can't get my butt out of bed in time to ride with the guys that go early, in spite of numerous offers from them.  Weather is really improving, so may have to start riding earlier to miss the mid-day heat.
  Went in to the dentist when I got back and expect to go back there a few more times.  They gave me an appointment to get the stitches out for Tuesday.  The guy who cuts my hair is in the same plaza, so stopped in to get looking more presentable.  He is really curious about Canada and Alberta, so will have to remember to send him some stuff from home.  I told him about the number of foreign workers in GP, including the Mexican population; he is Mexican.  He couldn't believe people waited in line for more than 10 minutes for a hair cut.  Down here if there is more than one person waiting, most people just go somewhere else; and even that's only in the winter months.
  Marg got the mail and never any good news comes in the mail.  Our friends at visa told us we are in the $6K club this month.  Kind of expected with the dentist charges on it.  Sorry kids, but that is coming out of your inheritance, LOL.
  Got back in time for lunch and then to the post office.  A miracle happened there, the parking lot only had a couple of cars.  With all the snowbirds, the post office lines here and slow service are notorious.  It seems everyone is sending a cactus or scorpion to loved ones, LOL!  Had to get off a lengthy explanation to Canada Revenue Agency, BTW, this was for you Charlene.
  Went out to Casino Arizona to meet up with Gerry & Deb Canuel.  It's pretty close to downtown Phoenix where their condo is, but not so much for us, something like 30 minutes at 70 mph on the Red Mountain freeway.  Mind you here that's not too bad -- are my GP roots showing?  We ate at the willows restaurant, where we have previously, it was good, although my meal was mainly soft stuff.  Man I am really looking forward to my first steak.  We played bingo and slots with them.  Deb pulled off a bit of a win at the end, but for Marg & I not so much.  Oh well, it's entertainment, eh?  As soon as you say eh down here they know you are a Canuck.
  Stopped at McDonalds for a snack and coffee at midnight, now there is a first for us.  There was a big line up, can you believe it?  Forgot to take my anti-biotic, so needed to take it with food.  Finally got to bed at 2AM, that was a full day for us.


  1. Another busy day in the life... Very curious about the Rev Canada stuff?... Err thank you! Btw spend away.... That's what you have worked soon very hard for, I would hardly say teeth was a luxury item.., however one may change their mind having lived without them... lol hope your feeling better. xxx

  2. Antibiotics... The answer to justifying that 4th meal of the day... I'll give KT the heads up on that one.
