Sunday, 29 January 2012

Ice Cream Sundae

Great sunny day, temps were about 77F today. We went out to check out some swap meets today. There were a few interesting things, but I have never seen such a collection of things that no one needs. I think Marg got a something-or-other, but I left empty handed. After that we went to an outdoor mall down by Superstition and Marg got some great deals on a couple of dresses & something like lounging pj's. Me on the other hand I got some books at the book store and an SD card at Best Buy. Supper tonight was steak sandwiches & garlic toast on the bbq with cottage cheese. Nice steaks, it's not Alberta beef but Az beef is pretty good! No dessert as it was ice cream social tonight in the hall. Tonight it was banana splits or sundaes. Marg was with the ladies in charge of adding the bananas, pineapple, strawberries, chocolate. Jerry & I scooped as usual. After all was said & done Marg had a sundae, me [with no will power] I had a split. I think we served a record number tonight, so a good job by all. Kenny organizes it and he was kidding around when announcing it about other parks trying to hire us away at double the money - 2 times zero - hah.

1 comment:

  1. Weather must have been alright if ice cream sales were up x
