What a gorgeous day & I got to spend it at the Tea. The ladies in the park have a Tea party in March before everyone starts leaving. They get a couple of guys to boil & serve water and serve the mini sandwiches and pastries. From what I saw: they gossip and some read a few poems, inspirational I guess. They had a very nice selection of finger food and pastries & all seemed to really enjoy it. I think there were about 25 ladies present, so not their best turn-out, but still a nice event [according to the ladies]. As I mentioned yesterday, Kenny & I were the indentured servants for the event and they said we did a fine job. Never spilled on anyone or scalded anyone, I guess that qualifies as a good job - LOL! I can hardly wait to see the society pages - Gourlay poured tea and didn't keep his pinkie up - OMG. Anyway the ladies had fun, Marg sat next to Rosie & went with Sue & Betty. After we helped clean up and then I got in about 3 games of pool. Busy day, because we had a street party in the park at 4 PM and it was pretty well attended. They were still talking about the tea & ladies pointing Kenny & I out. I feel like so much eye candy now - LOL. We had to leave the street party early so we could do the prep work for breakfast tomorrow mornings breakfast with the Canadian team. Special day today for two 12 year olds in Grande Prairie, sure wish we could be there with them. Happy birthday Haylee & Paige hope your day was special.
Should have gone as topless waiters, that would have set the park on fire. X