Well busy day today. I played some 9 Ball with Elmer, I had borrowed his hacksaw & later he showed me the ropes on it. Interesting game, sure different than 8 Ball. Our new matress came after lunch, I can hardly wait to get to bed tonight and get a decent nights sleep. It better be good. Before we knew it, the super bowl party started and we were busy again. Marg had offered to help Aggie & Curtis, the park managers, who put the party on. She was at the door and involved with the draws. I helped Ron sell the pool tickets; there were 2 & they were the 100 square type, with prizes after every quarter. There were raffles and a 50/50 draw in support of the foodbank & a youth group. As luck had it I won a half -time score in the pool & won the 50/50 draw. After that Curt got Sheri to do the draws, announcing the change so the Gourlays wouldn't win any more. He also said he was going to pay Marg, but after my winning twice, that was off. LOL Needless to say, everyone called me lucky all night. It was a fun time, with hot dogs, nachos, chili, etc, all included. I brought beer, but Marg and the rest of them drank a couple kinds of wine. Then at half time we had the ice cream social; Marg & I seem to be regulars with this now, so we worked it as well. Again I was ice cream scooper, Marg doled out cake. One lady asked if there was whipped cream, so I told the other scooper, Jerry that I should have said - it's all gone, we got a new matress today & I will need all of it. So good old Jerry, tells half the room. These guys from Colorado! Oh yeh, pretty good football too, especially for the packers fans. The room seemed pretty evenly divided between the two teams. Well time to sign off, no -- we will not be getting any whipped cream on the new mattress.
Too much information.