Nice day, we were in shorts again, the temperature reached 78F. Busy day today. Started off with coffee & donut event in the hall this morning. It was good, except Marg slept in and didn't go, bad timing. They introduced the new Canadian breakfast crew, asking them to stand. The first names called were Marg & I and when she never appeared, everyone started asking where she was. I couldn't make up a cover story on such short notice, so just told the group she slept in & that got a good laugh. I told Alan [from BC] the team had a meeting and he was the team captain. He never objected, so maybe Pat [from Saskatchewan] & I can stop calling each other captain - LOL. Ran around with Marg getting some stuff for happy hour today, our turn to play host. After lunch I played pool in the inter-park tournament & my partner and I won one game. The opposition really had our number, it was 8, as in the 8 ball. Had the neighbours and others over for happy hour. Marg made some snacks up to go with the wine. Bob & I drank beer, but everyone seems to drink wine. Lots of laughs. Harold from Nebraska stopped by, this guy is never stuck for an answer & could talk the ears of a telephone salesman. Anyway he went thru this elaborate story about how to call wild turkeys. Got everyone to bent a can tab, just so; hold it in their teeth ,, pull the bottom lip over, etc and then said call. When everyone said call what, he replied -The call is - Here Turkey. After he said - Hey I think I got some. I guess you had to be there. Hah! Also one of the others said that it's been so dry here that two trees were seen fighting over a dog.
how late did she sleep in? because I have never understood why errrm older folks have to wake so early. good for you Mom. x