Sunday 27 January 2013

Jan 27th

Well the rains let up and it was a very pleasant day.
  Pretty quiet day for us as Marg has caught another cold and was on the mend, so we just stayed in.  I think she must have got it from all the people who were hacking around here last week.  It was mostly up in what everyone calls the Canadian end of the park.  I think there are half a dozen up the road in front of us.  We are what they call on the hill, in the center of the park.  It's pretty funny really, because the hill is only about a foot or so high.
  It was ice cream social tonight and we had a pretty good turn-out.  We were short our leader who had to return home to Kansas for a family emergency, but managed just fine.  Did lots of banana splits and sundaes tonight, hardly any root beer floats.  We let some of the stock run down as there is no social next week with the super bowl party in the hall.

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