Sunday 30 January 2011

Ice Cream social

Nice day - did I say that before, oh well, shorts day again, I think it was 72F. Had left over pancakes from yesterday for breakfast, they were still good. I don't believe there is any such thing as a bad pancake. ;>) I forgot to tell you yesterday about the biscuit & gravy thing. When Wayne told us we were expected to have this at breakfast, I said - none of us are familiar with that, we are Canucks after all. Ron thought I was joking, but after polling the breakfast team, he was amazed that none had and we don't have biscuits & gravy for breakfast way up north. After pancakes, Marg found the location of an outlet mall on the web and we went down there. She bought me a handful of shirts and some dishes and kitchen things for the rv. It was really her kind of place, the discounts ranged from as low as 50% to as high as 85%. She said it was better than Winners, now that is significant. Lunch was at IHop, but no pancakes. She had a vegetable crepe, me, well they had french toast a way I have never seen, so.... Went for a walk around the park and Gary was there. He's one of the guys who repaired the waterline. I stayed with them the whole time, holding the light. He told everyone I was the water foreman for the park & pretty good for a Canuck. You can imagine, how that made my day, LOL. Oh yeh, ice cream social tonight. There had been some grumbling in the park about the event, so all dishes were 2 scoops and sundae fixings included if you wanted them. Marg works on this team, but they were concerned with the extra time it takes to make sundaes, so she came running over to get me involved. We must have this mark on our forehead, volunteer, just make request here. But get this - I had a key job - ice cream scooper. Now - that I have arrived in this old world, I expect a new recognition - something like - call me scoop. Hah! Marg hands out cake, not quite at the ice cream level yet. Me, first day, ice cream. Almost forgot you could have 2 pieces of cake or cake & a brownie or cookie as well. There were some pretty loaded up dishes & I'm not talking about all those blue haired old gals leaving the hall. It was their biggest turnout for ice cream social to-date. It was cute, Bud & Lynet had their grandchildren there, they were nice kids. WE MISS OURS! already. After that we played cards with Ron & Sue. Marg was the big winner, yours truly lost the most quarters. Another great day in the Valley of the Sun..


  1. Hi, I have been following your blog since GP but have had trouble logging in. Out of interest how many nights do you think that you will be spending in motorhome both in Arizona and at the Lake this year. My guess is that it will be a fair percentage of the year. It seems that you have settled into RV mode very well and your fellow Nomads sound like a good bunch. Nice to see that you had a visit from David and Elizabeth as well. Congratulations on having been entrusted with so many positions of responsibility on the Ice Cream and Pancake Teams. Keep up the good work. Phil

  2. Sounds like the Ice Cream social should be called Pud night.... as there is more to it then just the ice cream... lol
