Sunday 1 February 2009

Apache Junction Greetings

We made it to Apache Junction, about 5 hours, we thought 3. Just missed a roadrunner on the highway, it ran right in front of us. Mom said it ran so fast you couldn't even make out its' legs. Weather was nice and sunny all the way, it's about 76F here and just a bit of a breeze, very ncie. We are in shorts again today. Never saw so many cactus, mostly Saguaro, but all kinds. Quite a scenic drive. Pretty hectic place compared to Yuma, but we are settled in to Carefree Manor RV resort. Pretty nice site, there are 2 grapefruit & an orange tree right at the rear of the m'home & a nice big [25 foot] palm surrounded by large aloe plants at the front. There are two Great Horned Owls sitting in the palm tree at this moment. There seem to be a lot of Doves here, they are making quite a noise, no wonder they have a hunting season on them. Already been invited to a superbowl party as long as we cheeer for the Arizona Cardinals and we have only been here an hour. LOL Just trying out the free internet service, oops it ran out. Now we are trying out the $25 internet service. LOL.


  1. I have always wanted to see a Road Runner... how fabulous. I would however imagine it being chased by a Coyote. Sounds like a lovely new site... hope you get more for your money with the internet... are you bringing the laptop to Florida to keep blogging? We have a severe weather warning here in the UK today... there has been 2 inches of snow...(one of Heathrow's runways has been shut - and Birminghams airport closed for 2 hours in the night... thankfuly we don't fly for a week when the weather is sure to change for the better) the local radio announced School closures.. 86 Schools closed in the city so far... Katie waited with baited breath but her Head Teacher has decided to open... (Anna's School as well) so I let her wear boots to School instead of the usual uniform shoes... Its said to be the worst snow dump we have had in 18 years.. and its possible we get another 4 inches this afternoon... the roads are so quiet its unreal.... think I may go get in my 4 x 4 and make some tracks eh?... lol

  2. Yes we will be taking lap top to Florida so we can keep up blog and pay bills .

  3. hey Katie now we are really counting sleeps how about you
