Wednesday 7 January 2009

The Mexican adventure Jan 7th

After breakfast we decided to go to Mexico it's only 22 miles from here so no big deal to go. It's another nice day today temp. in the 70's. We found a good parking spot on the US side as you don't take your car in without special insurance. We only had to walk a couple of blocks and going in is no big deal; the Mexican border control never said a word to us just a nod to proceed. It was just as I remembered yuk , almost no one spoke english and anything in the stores was priced in peso, not that there was anything I would of bought anyway. We walked around a bit and met up with a couple that stopped to talk to us. Small world he was born and raised in GP and they now live in St Albert too funny. Well we were starting to get hungry and no way was I eating there, Montezumas revenge & all. On the way back to US border was a bit different as we had to show our passports; but the fellow was very nice wanted to know more about Canada. After many questions about driveby shootings, gangs & cold, his comment was it sounded pretty quiet and we must have come for the excitement. After lunch at a Jack In the Box (first time in one of them), we came accross a great store Burlington Coat Co. - yipeeee another great chick outlet. They must of had 2000 purses alone, to quote the governor of the next state over [Arnold] I'll be back, LOL. Dave went to a sporting goods store in the same complex. It was full of guys whose wives were in the chick outlet. This is lettuce season here; saw lots of workers in the fields like one of our photo's. Really starting to fit in as now; I not only have a Macy's credit card, but now a Fry's VIP card that saved us 44.00 on our grocery bill today LOL. Got back just in time for a beer with Spag & then BBQ for suppper.

1 comment:

  1. Hello..... you went into another Country... of course the language and money is different.. lol
    Thats the thing about us Canadians... we either drive to the US to enter another Country where the language remains the same but the currency changes... or we travel a few thousand kms and have just the language change. We are not as geared up for change as the Europeans.... here in the UK the language changes between one side of Birmingham to the other... lol
    I think leaving the car and food out of the equation on the Mexican adventure was a wise move... shopping sounds ace.. I am starting to suss out Florida. I remember Jack in the Box from Hawaii... I took Krista and Shawn to one...
    Sounds like you American mate has never been to Canada... that made me laugh. At least he didn't ask where we get our water from or if there is electricity... I have had all kinds of those questions asked about Canada.. lol
