Thursday 22 January 2009

Jan 22 - Home Again!

Home has taken on new meaning now that we are trailer park trash, this means back at the RV. The trip there was long, I arrived in Edm at midnight & it took 2 hours to clear customs with Canada's finest. They were worried I was smuggling some of the oranges & lemons Marg has been poaching, LOL. Had interesting meetings in Edm, endured many comments about weather, retirement & my decision to be a "Fresh Air Inspector" for "Seymour DoLittle"! Had a nice visit & dinner with mother, then off to Waynes for a rye/water chat. Just when I thought the weather was OK, the storm blew in and by morning they had a full grown blizzard with freezing weather. Me and the rest of the south bound travellers were fealing pretty smug about our destinations, as we did the virtual/mental "Dance of Joy". Lots of time in the US Airways terminal at the Phoenix airport on both trips. The only thing they don't charge for is the air you breath & I think they're working on that. If you check your bags, they charge $15, if you put it in the valet service at the ramp & they put your case in the same compartment, it's free! Then there was the airport security. The Americans are very thorough. As I stood there holding up my jeans with one hand [my belt was in the security bucket] & my passport in the other, they confiscated my terrorist materials - Crest toothpaste & hair gel. Who knows what havoc I could have created on the flight. Passengers with teeth so white they would have blinded the pilot & hair so stiff it would pierce the cockpit door. You can imagine us crazed canucks yelling maple syrup is great as we charged the door. It's enough to strike fear. Met Dave & Elizbeth Chomik in the departure lounge, they were flying to Lake Havasau. Marg picked me up at the Yuma International [LOL] airport, I was really glad to see I was still on that list. Oh yah, the temp here was 78F, a bit warmer than Edm's minus 20C. BBQ'd tonite and Spag gave me a nice big glass of red wine to help me focus, good neighbours are priceless.


  1. Greetings!! Glad to you made it back to the nice weather Dave... I would hate to miss one day of it. So very glad to hear you have a great neighbour like Spag. Marg did you get in any more shopping? Anything I need for the lake?

    Take care you guys.


  2. Well, all I can say is I am really pleased they confiscated your contraband toothpaste... obviously the american flouride levels are not to the same standard as the Canadians. With the $15 you saved on checking your bag, you ought to be able to cross the border into Mexico and buy some What a small World seeing the Chomiks in the airport... I wonder if you will get visitors for a lunch date or something now that they know where to find you, that would be fab. Glad you made it back to sunny Yuma where you can defrost yourself from the frozen North... x
